Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany. His parents were Hermann Einstein and his wife Pauline. His dad was a featherbed salesman. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/einstein/timeline/ -
Moving to Munich
Albert Einsteins family moves to Munich, Germany. Where Hermann and his brother founds electro technical company Einstein & Cie. https://www.einstein-website.de/z_biography/chronological_table.html -
In this year, he enters a program of self education, and tries to read the most he could about science. He becomes a student at Luitpold Gymnasium. http://dipc.ehu.es/digitalak/orriak/english/timeline.html -
He obtains an Swiss nationality, and he also gets employed at a Swiss patent office in Berne. http://dipc.ehu.es/digitalak/orriak/english/timeline.html -
Einstein and Mileva get married in Bern. https://www.sparknotes.com/biography/einstein/timeline/ -
Einstein and Mileva’s first born son, Hans Albert,
is born. https://www.sparknotes.com/biography/einstein/timeline/ -
Annus Mirabilis
Annus mirabilis or miracle year is what this year is called because this year Einstein finished five groundbreaking papers: light quanta, Brownian motion, and special theory of relativity, he also recieves his PHD from Zurich University. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/einstein/timeline/ -
This year Albert Einstein dies April 18 at 1:15 AM in the Princeton Hospital at the age of 76. http://www.alberteinsteinsite.com/einsteintimeline.html