Egyptian Battles

  • 1650 BCE

    Hyksos Invasion

    The Hyksos people invaded Egypt and fought the unprepared Egyptians, winning and takin g over Northern Egypt.
  • 1479 BCE

    Battle of Megiddo

    Pharaoh Thutmosis III Had over 20000 men go to war against the Syrian Army of 15000. The Egyptians won and took over 200 horses.
  • 1274 BCE

    Battle of Kadesh

    The Egyptians led by Ramesses II were directed to fight the Hitties outside Kadesh. Around 20 000 Egyptians versed 50 000 Hitties, ending in a stalemate.
  • 1178 BCE

    Battle of Djahy

    Ramesses III led the Egyptians against the Sea People, a very intelligent group who wanted to take over Egypt for its amazing land and gold. The Egyptians won the battle after a long while.