George Kennan
S- His article "The Sources of Soviet Conduct" have him a voice he never thought he'd have. The Soviet Union can't be argued with but if the US is vigilant and strong the goals of spreading communism will slwly decrease, but they not fully disappear.
P-His writings inpired the Truman Doctrine and the US foreign policy of "containing" the USSR. He argued that the Soviet's methods were expansionist and had to be "contained". He played key roles in the developemnt of the Cold War. -
George Kennan (cont.)
E- Kennan prefered to use both politcal and economic methoeds to help with containment.
R- There are no religious effects.
M- Kennan believed that the US had been provoking the wa against the Soviet Union from what he had seen in Moscow. We had overmilitarized ourselves due to our policies and statements. -
Alger Hiss
S- The thought of Hiss being a Communist had left the American government very unsettled and suspicious. They even wire tapped his home.
P- The Communist group's purpose was at first to have Communist infiltration of the American government and eventually became espionage.
E- Hiss had filed a defamation lawsuit against Chambers.
RM- There are no religious and militarial effects. -
Anti-Communism (cont.)
the world due to the Kirkpatrick Doctrine.
E- Many workers were fired from their jobs on the thought of them supporting Communism.
R-Buddhist monks, Christians Falun Gong, and Muslims all have supported anti-Communism.
M- Ronald Reagan built up weapon programs to be more aggressive and prepared for Soviet (Communist) attack. -
S- The United States feared the spread of communism all over the world. The Domino Theory- the idea that any communistic take over would result in a chain reaction to worldwide communism.- was to prevent any further spread of communism.
P- Laws were passed ithat scationed the firing of Communists. The Jatch Act was passed to push sommunism out of public work place. The Public Law 135 was passed to allow investigations of suspected Communists and the firing of any anti- Communist governments of -
Nuclear Fusion
SPERM- The effects of both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion were the same. -
Nuclear Fission (cont.)
R- The Japanese lived by the code "death before surrender." They would rather die than be humiliated by being captured by Americans.
M- The first bomb was used in war was "Little Boy" in August 1945. The bombs were used in hopes to get Japan to surrender and to save both sides large amounts of casualties. -
Nuclear Fissiion
S- The bomb's results were so destructive on the cities of Nagasaki and Kiroshima that Japan was not willing to have another hit their biggest city, Tokyo. Even the emperor had stated that continuing the war would be the end of the Japanese and even the world.
P- Harry Truman was all for dropping the bombs on Japan, unless they were to comply with US demands of unconditional surrender.
E-The bombs may have cost a lot to develope, but they're a lor cheaper than going to war. -
Massive Retaliation
SER- There are no effects.
P- President Eisenhower's theory to place missiles near the USSR as to deter any thoughts of conventional attack on the United States. If we were to be attackedmany nuclear warheads would be launched on the USSR and vice versa.
M- In the event of an attack from an aggressor, a state would fight back using a force disproportionate to the attack. -
Period: to
Effects of the Early Cold War
Containment (cont.)
P-This was the use of nemerous strategies to keep the spread of communism. The term strongly associates with Harry Truman's policioes. Lyndon Johnson used containment as a justification for his policies in Vietnam. Richard Nixon rejected it and treid to make friendly relationswit the Soviet Union and China. Jimmy Carter had returned to containmet when the USSR invaded Afghanistan.
E- The states of NATO helped aid in war in any way possible. The US used this help iaid in their advances -
Containment (part 3)
and to maybe push for a more democratic Europe.
R- President Johnson had stopped from a rollback of Vietnam and quoted his means so forom the Bible, "Hitherto shalt thou come, but not further." The US will only stop the spread of communism form/in Vietnam, but nothing more.
M- The US had joined theKorean War to defend SOuth Korea from a communist invasion . President Nixon also against rollback had limited armed forces to a minimum in Vietnam just contain communist advances. -
S- Both President Woodrow Wilson and the French Premiere George Clemenceau had interpreted communism as a contagious disease. Key State Department personnel were very suspicious of the USSR from their prior actions leading to the war. The USSR showed betrayal at the 1944 Warsaw Uprsising, they violateions of the February 1945 Yalta aggreement concering Poland. Many American had felt their freedom being in jeopardy when the USSR was making aggressive actions in Poland, Iran, and Turkey. -
House on un-American Activities Committee
S- The committee was considered the "most un-American thing in the country today" by Harry Truman. The committee cause a "riiot" on May 13th at the point where they had hearing. Flyers of the Declaration of Inderpence were handed out outside the hearings.
P- The committee was made by the House of Representatives to investigate disloyalty and subversive activities.
E- The work force was reduced due to the amount of workers being deported.
R- None
M-Military power wasn't used in the result of HUAC -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (cont.)
military spending of NATO members constitutes over 70% of the world's defence spending.
R- There are no religious factors.
M- All the states that have agreed to the treaty have promised to aid one another if they were being attcked in any way though suitable ( presumably militarily). The Korean War had brought the idea of communist countries working together and the alliance developed military plans. A total of 35 divisions and more push to nuclear weapons to be made. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
S- The USSR suggested they should join NATO to help preserve peace in Europe. THe counties of NATO had denied the proposal for fear that the USSR would weaken the alliance. Alos, WEst Germany was broight into the alliance to bring German manpower to help resist a Soviet invasion.
P- Each ot the 28 members bring s up a delegation or mission the NATO headquarters. The Permanent Memers and North Atlantic Council meeet to discuss fovernance authority and powers in decision.
E- The combined -
Korean War
Social Effects- Korean anti-Americanism was fueled by the presence and behavior of American military personnel.
Politcal Effects-This was the result of the US splitting the Korean Peninsula after the surrender of Japan. North Korea being occupied by Soviet forces formed a communist government while the SOuth became a democratic government. The 38th parrallel increasingly became a political border between the Koreas. The US and other countries passed a security council resolution to use military -
Korean War (cont.)
intervention in Korea.
Economic Effects- The war had helped South Korea get on its feet and build up its economy. It eventually industrialized and moderniezed. While North Korea remained undeveloped. SOuth Korea had a rapidly growing economy from the 1960's to the late 1980'sand by 2010 was ranked 13th in the world.
Religious Effects- There were no religious effects.
Military Effects- Both the US and USSR had provided assistance to their side of the two Koreas. The United States provided troops -
Korean Wat (Part 3)
while the the USSR provided materials. North Korea had invaded South Korea. North and South Korea both showed strategies from the first two world wars. South Korea was not prepared for war from the North even though they had warned the US of the resulting conflict to come. It had 98,000 troops and 22-piece air force. North Korea had between 150,000-200,000 troops, 10 infantry divisions, 1 tank division, and 1 air force division. -
McCarren Internal Security Act
S- People were terrified now. The US was now able to deprt and not citizens back into the country. It all depended on citizens engaging in subversive activities and didn't allow those suspected of subsersive activity to enter the country.
P-Harry Truman had vetoed the Act regarding it as "un-American." He had stated that we need not fear immigrants, but lend them a hand. However, Truman's veto was overridden by Congress.
ERM- There were no effects on these topics. -
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
S- The result of the Rosenberg's and their allies to spy on the American government was considered a "crime worse that murder." Their actions had put the Soviet's atomic bomb into full operation years before they were expected.
P- Ethel and Julius were tried and confirmed for civilain espionage. They were both executed on June 19, 1953.
ER- There are no economic and religious effects.
M- Kaufman had put blame of the deaths of the Korean War on them. -
Warsaw Pact
S- The pact was to prevent another large scale invasion of Soviet territory. each invasion resulted in large numbers of Russians losing their lives. The Soviet Union used the pact as a means of prorecting their own borders from enemies in the west. The other countries are used to give warning to the USSR, they're "buffer states."
P-The pact was a response to WEst Germany joining NATO. It was like NATO where each country had pledged to a mutual defense if any were attacked. -
Warsaw Pact
E- The countries had agreed to help each other in any way even economically.
R- There are no religious effects.
M-The pact was of 8 communist countries to lend all the aid they. The USSR was in control of the Warsaw Treaty armed forces. -
Senator Joseph McCarthy
S- As the years passed the public had started to get a liking for him, but due to his wild accusations of many Communists and Soviet spies that he failed to prove he lost many of his support.
P- McCarthy was senator of Wisconsin and made claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies in the US government. He was "censured" after failing to prove his accusations.
ER- None
M- McCarthy joined the US Marine Corps to help with his judicial career. -
John Foster Dulles
S- Dulles was heacily criticized for damaging the relations with Communists and contributing to the Cold War.
P- Dulles helped build up NATO and forming other alliances to help prevent/control Soviet expansion. Dulles had the CIA to help overthrow Communist Prime Minister Mohammed Massadegh in Iran. Dulles also helped pioneer massive retaliatoin and brinkmanship.
ER- There are no religious and economic effects.
M- Dulles for massive realiation. Put The US and USSR to the point of war.