EEX3070 Module 1

By xinyuex
  • 1817: American School for the Deaf

    1817: American School for the Deaf
    Founded by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet in Harford, Connecticut, the American School for the Deaf marked the beginning of formal special education in the country. It marked a transition in society with increased awareness and advocacy for the rights and needs for deaf individuals, eventually leading to increased accessibility and inclusion for supportive educational practices among handicapped individuals.
  • 1918- Smith- Sears Act/ Soldier's Rehabilitation Act

    1918- Smith- Sears Act/ Soldier's Rehabilitation Act
    This law provided services for injured soldiers after WWI and aided their return to civilian life. Being one of the first federal laws to provide rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities; it marked a significant change in the recognition for the need of specialized services to help disabled individuals and the development of future legislations.