Hitler is appointed Chancellor
In 1932, the Nazi party earned 37% if the vote and became Germany's largest political power. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party and was appointed in 1933. -
First Concentration Camp
The Nazis open their first concentration camp in Dachau, Germany and will continue to build more. Communist and the Socialist party start beating and arresting party officials. -
Nuremburg Laws
The Nuremburg Laws are adopted, taking away Jews citizenship, buisinesses, and kicking students out of public schools. They prohibit and ban Jews from certain rights and failed to do so will lead them to prison. -
War breaks out
Germany invades Poland and oficially begins World War II. Hitler is trying to kill 200,000 people that are mentally ill and jews are ordered to wear a yellow star. -
The Final Solution
Jews are going to start being killed more often after adopting "the final solution to the Jewish questions". Jews will be killed in gas chambers and more start to get deported to camps. -
Invasion of Hungary
Germany invades Hungary and begins doeportation of many Hungarian Jews. England and the U.S. refuse to bomb the camps and some are evacuated to other camps within Germany. -
Aushwitz is evacuated
The Soviet Army approaches and 58,000 prisoners are sent to a "death march" with the intention of killing them. On April 30, Hitler comits suicide. -
Germany surrenders
After Hitler's suicide Germany surrenders and troops are horrified by what they see in the concentration camps. Nazis and allies killed 6 million Jews and innocent civilians. -
The aftermath
The trial of Nazi leaders begin in Nuremberg, Germany for war crimes. Nazi leaders are sentenced to death and some officials flee to safety in Argentina. -
Israel is established by United Nations
Israel is established by the United Nations as a national homeland. They adopt a national athem called "hope" and a motto called "Never again"