Edward VI timeline

By Toreed
  • Jan 31, 1547

    Death of Henry VIII

  • Period: Jan 31, 1547 to Oct 13, 1549


    Edward Seymour, the brother of Edward's mother Jane Seymour became the Lord Protector with the title 'Duke of Somerset'
  • Period: Oct 13, 1549 to Jul 6, 1553


    John Dudley, Earl of Warwick never formally becomes Lord Protector but takes on the same role. He takes the position in a coup d'état with the support of the privy council, however never formally takes the position of Lord Protector as he lacks the legitimacy of Somerset. Although he does give himself the title of Duke of Northumberland.
  • Feb 21, 1550

    Northumberland becomes Lord President of the Privy Council

  • 1552

    Death of Somerset

    Although, he originally doesn't want to, Northumberland executes Somerset after he refuses to accept the coup and tries to overthrow Northumberland
  • Jul 6, 1553

    Death of Edward VI

  • Jul 10, 1553

    Lady Jane Grey proclaimed queen