Edward VI

  • Oct 12, 1537

    Birth day

    Birth day
    He was born on 12 of october of 1537 in Hampton Court Palace in London, England.
  • Jan 10, 1547

    His parents die

    His parents die
    He was nine years old when his father and mother dead. Their names were Henry VIII and Jane Seymour.
  • Jan 18, 1547

    Edward crowned

    Edward crowned
    Edward was crowned at Westminster Abbey and was named Edward VI.
  • 1549

    The Prayer Book

    The Prayer Book
    The First Book of Common Prayer was introduced, which changes the Church service from Latin to English.
  • 1552

    The Duke of Somerset and The Second Prayer Book

    The Duke of Somerset and The Second Prayer Book
    The Duke of Somerset was executed in 1552, and the second prayer book was published by Archbishop Cranmer.
  • 1553

    Edward died and buried

    Edward died and buried
    Edward VI died on 6 of july of 1553 of tuberculosis at Greenwich Palace, but he was buried one month later at Westminster.