Edward V

  • Nov 2, 1470

    Birth date

    Birth date
    Edward V was born on 02 November ,1470 in cheynegates , in the medival house of the Abbot of the West minister . His father was Edward IV of England and his mother was Elizabeth Woodvile
  • Nov 26, 1470

    Titles and lands

    Edward V 's Father's titles and lands was confiscated by parliament
  • Mar 14, 1471

    Edward's Father

    Edward's Father
    Edward's father returned to england and he was joined by the Earl of Nothumberland and his brother George Duke of clarence who was from the War of warwick .
  • Apr 14, 1471

    Battle of Barnet

    Battle of Barnet
    The Lancastrians led by warwick met Edward's father's Yorkist army at barnet . After a three hour fight in a thick fog , two lancastrians divisons mistakely attacked each other and the whole army broke . Warwick fled but was knocked off his horse and killed .
  • May 4, 1471

    Battle of Tewekesbury

    Battle of Tewekesbury
    Edward V , was supported by his brother (Richard of Gloucester) , attacked Margaret of Anjou's forces as they were leaving for wales .
  • May 20, 1471

    Tower of london

    Tower of london
    Edward V returned to England back . It was belived that HENRY was murdered in the Tower of london
  • Jun 25, 1471

    What Edward Was created?

    What Edward Was created?
    He was created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester.
  • 1472

    Edward V...

    was sent to live at ludlow castle.
  • Dec 11, 1472

    What happened Margaret?

    What happened Margaret?
    Edward'sister Margaret died.
  • Aug 17, 1473

    New Family member ?

    New Family member ?
    Edward V 's Brother (Richard) was born at Dominican Friary , shrewsbury.
  • May 28, 1474

    Edward's Brother ...?

    Edward's Brother ...?
    was created duke of york .
  • Nov 2, 1475

    New Family member ?

    New Family member ?
    Edward's Sister (Anne) was born at Palace of Westmnister .
  • 1477

    New member in Edward's Family ?!!

    New member in Edward's Family ?!!
    Edward's Brother (George)was born at Palace of westmnister.
  • 1479

    Who died?

    Who died?
    Edward's Brother (George) wad died at Windsor castle .
  • Aug 8, 1479

    Edward V...?

    Edward V...?
    Was created Earl of March.
  • Aug 14, 1479

    New member in Edward's Family ?!!

    New member in Edward's Family ?!!
    Edward's Sister (Katherine) was born at Eltham place ,kent.
  • Nov 20, 1480

    New member in Edward's Family ?!!

    New member in Edward's Family ?!!
    Edward's sister (Bridget) was born at Eltham place ,kent
  • May 23, 1482

    Who died?

    Who died?
    Edward's sister(Mary)died at Greenwich place ,Westmnister.
  • 1483

    Edward's Father??

    Edward's Father??
    Edward's father became ill so he nominated Edward's uncle to protect his son.
  • 1483

    And at last ...

    And at last ...
    They got the news that Edward V is died !
  • Apr 9, 1483


    Edward IV died at Palace of westmnister.and edward was Finally Edward V! and then Edwars V began his journey to england
  • May 4, 1483


    Edward reached at london.
  • May 8, 1483


    Edward was officialy appointed as lord protector.
  • May 19, 1483

    What Happened?

    Edward V reached The Tower of London.
  • Jul 3, 1483

    Edward and his brother ?

    Edward and his brother ?
    were last seen playing in the gardens of the Tower.
  • New member in Edward's Family ?!!

    New member in Edward's Family ?!!
    Edward's Sister(Margaret) was born at windsor castle.