Dick's Sporting Goods
Dick's Sporting goods was founded in 1948 by Edwards father. The store consisted of fishing equipment and basic sporting goods. -
Edward Stack was born in Binghamton, New York. He was the 2nd child born into the family. -
Edward and his siblings started working at their fathers store. All of them worked there throughout high school. -
Edward played baseball and football at Binghamton North High School. He then went on to college and got his Bachelor of Arts and Science degree from St. John Fisher College. -
Edward Stack bought Dick's Sporting goods from his father in 1984. He and his siblings split up the ownership equally. -
In the early 90's Edward began a massive expansion. He built 20 more stores. -
In 1994 Edward moved the company headquarters to Pittsburgh. He moved to get easier access to air fields. -
In 2002 Edward Stack decided to take Dick's public. He is the largest share holder in the company. -
In 2012 all Dick's Sporting Goods stores removed assault rifles from their stores. The decision was made by Edward to try and make a point about the school shooting issues. -
Southern Tiers
In August of 2018 Edward Stack banned all guns from 125 of his stores. He removed them due to slumping sales.