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Edward Henry Himberger

  • Ed Himberger Born

    Ed Himberger Born
    Edward Himberger is born in Manhattan to Mary and Joseph Himberger. Joseph is a baker by trade.
  • Period: to

    School Days

    Edward Himberger attends The Parocial School of Immaculate Conception and The Parocial School of the Holy Redeemer. He does well in school and graduates from hign school. Sometime during this period he joined the Spartan Baseball Club of New York.
  • World War One starts

    World War One starts
    European powers declare war on each other as Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassainated by a serbian nationalist.
  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany
    The US declares war on Germany after German U-Boats sink sink seven US merchant vessels.' >WW1 footage</a>
  • Drafted

    Ed is Drafted into the US army as a machine gunner. He is serviced into the 307th infantry regiment.
  • Shipped to Europe

    Shipped to Europe
    Ed is transported to Europe to fight. He is one of the first American Soldiers to join the fighting in Europe.
  • WIA

    Edward is wounded by shrapnel from a grenade during the Hundred Days Offensive France. His leg and ear are badly damaged. He is hospitalized for several months. The Hundred Days Offensive was one of the last engagements of the war and was a large factor to the demoralization and defeat of the German forces.
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    The war ends with the defeat of Germany and Austria. The German, Austrian, Russian and Ottoman empires collapse. Ed is still in hospital for several months after the war.
  • Infected!

    Ed is infected with the Spanish Influenza a deadly strain of virus that killed 100 million people across the world. The symptoms were fever, extreme fatigue, devastating coughing and foaming at the mouth. Luckily Ed recovers.
  • Period: to

    Works for Stanley Tools

    Edward works as an executive for the Stanley Tools Company.
  • Marrigage

    Ed gets married to his longtime sweetheart Lillian Haughty and Has two children Joan and Ed junior.
  • Ed Gerard Himberger Born

    Ed jr. is born in Long Island. He will grow up to be my grandfather.
  • Joan is born

    Ed's second child Joan is born.
  • Peter Himberger is born

    Ed Jr, son is born, his name is Peter, he grows up to be my father.
  • Edward Dies

    Edward Dies
    Ed tragically passes away from insulin misuse. Being very senile in his old age he did not understand the Doctor's instructions.