Educational Timeline Policy: Patrick Ahasic, Heather Graham, Jamie Simpson, Peter Kuppler
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
• ESEA provided federal funding to states primarily for education programs for disadvantaged students in order to support equity in education Per the Constitution, education is a states' right but was justified as a federal right per the "spending clause -
Report “Reclaiming our Nation at Risk”
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 expanded the grades to be tested and strengthened the accountability attached to test results. While we are still a nation at risk, we are also now a nation informed, a nation accountable, and a nation that recognizes there is much work to be done. -
Improving America’s Schools Act and Goals 2000 Educate America Act
Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 required state academic-content standards and tests. Goals 2000 Educate America Act provided federal funds to help states to write these content standards. -
ESEA Reauthorization: “No Child Left Behind”
The ESEA instituted the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which was passed which was laid by a foundation started in the 80's and 90's. It was important because it ensured that states have a measured method for testing and reporting to maintain standards and accountability. -
ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
ESEA kept legislation ‘as is’ until it was reauthorized. However with such lag in reauthorization, this could have caused legislation to make adjustments without any Congressional approval. -
Race to the Top Grant Competition
Illinois Adoption of the Common Core Standards
ESEA Reauthorization: A Blueprint for Reform
This document has been proposed (Department of Education/Obama Administration) for legislation to change the NCLB but it has not been authorized at this time. -
Illinois Performance Evaluation Reform Act and 2011 Senate Bill 7
Requires and establishes guidelines for performance evaluation of all Illinois public school teachers and administrators -
Illinois Public Act 96-0107 Illinois Longitudinal Data System Project
Enables research and program assessment based on educational outcomes by linking program data, teacher evaluation data and student achievement. -
Illinois Public Act 97-0607 (SB1799) Educator Certification and Licensure
Requires reconfiguration and strengthening of Illinois educator licensure system including new standards and assessments for pre-service teachers -
Illinois Public Act 97-0152 (Revised) Charter School Law
Allows for more charter schools in Illinois Created the State Charter School Commission which allows charter schools to exist not under the jurisdiction of the local school district -
NCLB Waivers/Flexibility
States can request flexibility -
Illinois Flexibility Request Submitted
Results Unknown