
Educational Timeline, my son is my motivation to continue my education

By cedez_5
  • Kinder 5 years old

    Kinder 5 years old
    I began kinder in the Socorro school district.. My teachers name was Ms.Eveler, I will always remember this sweet lady and how I would cry when we had a subsitute teacher.
  • 3rd Grade

    I remmeber my 3rd grade teacher Ms.Coplin also in the socorro school district because that was the year my mom moved me schools to Tornillo elementary. I missed my teacher alot and I was very upset for a long time.
  • 4th grade 9 years old

    When I was 9 years old this is when I began to play basketball and cheerleading unfortunatley my mom had to move me schools again and I was also very upset and cried alot because I missed my basketball team.
  • 5th grade 10 years old

    By this time I was already tired and sad from moving schools and my mom promised me we wouldnt move again throughout the school year. I made alot of friends passed my TAKs test and I also became best friend with my husband today.
  • Middle School Lady Eagles

    Middle School Lady Eagles
    This where I began to have the best school years of my life! I played basketball, we won every game becam champions. I had good grades excelled in the TAKs tests and I was happy to get up and go to school everyday. I enjoyed the 6th, 7th adn 8th grade as a LADY EAGLE in the San Elizario school district.
  • 2005-2006

    June 2006 would be the last summer I spent in San Elizario, I was sad but e]xcited to continue high school in a new city.
  • 2006-2010 Del Valle High School El Paso TX

    Freshmen year begins no more sports my main focus would be my academics and plans for after high,I started my first job it lasted me 2 years. After I graduated high school my plan was to attend El Paso Community College
  • EPPC the best place to start

    I began my first semester of college and my plans were to become an elementary school teacher. I had no idea how hard or long this journey would take me but I was determined to finish no matter what.
  • TIme OFF

    I decided to take a whole year off of school to raise and spend time with my son. To also prepare myself for the new school year, I found a part time job to pay for my tution and no loans.
  • EPCC Graduation

    after 3 years of hard work and lots of effort I recieved my associates degree in teaching and the begining to my nre journey at the University of Texas at El Paso.
  • new journey at utep

    I started my new journey at UTEP my first year my gpa was at a perfect 4,0 currently in my 3rd semester my gpa is at a 3.53.