Ben Franklin creates First Public Library
Benjamin Franklin's public library allowed those who could not afford expensive books or trips to buy books to be able to borrow books to read (Lending Library). This opened the possibility for more people to become educated in a time where it was usually only the wealthy that were able to go to school. The public library allowed citizens from lower classes have the opportunity to learn and read where they otherwise would not have and helping pave the way for public education. -
Mount Holyoke Founded
Mary Lyon founded the all women's college. This is an important moment in educational history because women make up 76% of the 2018 teaching force (Characteristics of Public School Teachers). Without Mount Holyoke it may have taken longer for women to start teaching which could have changed the course of history since teaching offered women finances of their own. -
Montessori Founded
Dr. Maria Montessori came up with a new style of teaching students that were deemed unteachable (History of Montessori). Dr. Montessori found that hands on teaching was more effective for kids, her approach was so successful that by October 18, 1907 she had already opened three locations (History of Montessori). Many of the techniques Dr. Montessori established are still in use at Montessori schools today. -
Scopes Trial
The Scopes Trial, also known as The Scopes Monkey Trial, was the trial of science teacher John Scopes (Scopes Trial). Mr. Scopes was on trial for teaching evolution in Tennessee which was illegal in 1925. This was important because not teaching evolution would be unacceptable today. Scopes ended up losing the trial and had to pay a one hundred dollar fine (Scopes Trial) and anti-evolution rhetoric continued until 1968 (Evolution: A Timeline). -
Brown v. Board of Education Decision
Brown v Board of Education decision was important to the historical education timeline because it got rid of segregation in schools (Brown v Board of Education). This is important because it offers everyone an equal opportunity for a good education. Before Brown v Board of Education schools were still allowed to run on the idea of "separate but equal" which was a flawed system (Brown v Board of Education).