1994 education act
In 1944 the Education act was put in place so that education was made free for all pupils in England and Wales. -
Mandatory Maintenance Grants
In 1962 this policy was introduced so that university was less of a class barrier. students who wished to go to university had a grant to cover tutition fees and living costs -
Milking It!
Milk was always a big part within school life as it was seen to aid children in their learning, but in 1971 the government scraped this scheme, later resulting in parents having to pay for milk. -
Pupils to leave at 16
In 1972 the government raised the leaving age from 15 to 16, this was due to students not taking exams when they were 15, so left with no qualifications, this is what happened with my dad! -
Education act 1981
Before this time special educational needs were not recognised, they deemed the child as naughty or un-intelligent. this act made schools identify and cater for students with Special Educational Needs. -
Education Reform Act (GCSE'S)
Before this time O levels and CSE's were how pupils were measured. Gcse was introduced to try and get less acamdemic subjects on the map and coursework was introduced. -
SATS were required to be taken by students to show their subject knowledge as no formal qualifcations exist before the age of 14. the stages were at 7 , 11 and 14 year old students.
science -
Monitoring of schools (OFSTED)
an organisation was created so that schools could be assessed and see which schools were meeting government needs. also how they can improve as schools led on from this -
When I Was Born
you all know the story -
Started Primary School
left in year 4 -
Learning and skills act
AS and A levels were introduced for people to take after GCSE's and equivilant. -
moved to bentley west primary school
Every Child Matters
This policy was introduced that children wouldnt go un noticed if certain incidents were happening. -
Education maintainance Allowance
This was introduced so that pupils would get a cash insentive for families on a lower income. This was used so that students could pay for their own equipment, and parents would not feel a struggle to pay for it. -
Started Secondary School
Healthy food policy
In 2005 a famous TV Chef was used to make school dinners healthy and more nutrious as they were seen to affect childrens obsesity. linking to every child matters. -
Education and skills act
A policy was introduced in 2008 where pupils had to stay in some form of education till they were 18, whether that be 6th form, college or an apprentiship. -
I decided to go to college after doing a year of 6th form which i didnt like -
University Tutition fees
In 2012 the government decided that universities could charge a maximum of 9000 pound per year. there was up roar that the fees were trebled. I got hit by this, but then again who doesnt even stung by the government as some point? -
Edge Hill University
I decided to go to university as i wanted to become a teacher and this was the only route and i managed to some how scrape through, and who knows what will happen with this piece of paper i now i have -
As i has successfully got onto my pgce course to become a teacher. who know what the next 40 years will do to education