Educational Timeline

  • Tiffin School Fund Established

    Tiffin School Fund Established
    John and Thomas Tiffin, two brewers from Kingston-upon-Thames, leave money in theirs wills to purchase land and buildings. The income from which would be used for the education of local people. The money is used to provide scholarships to attend local schools.
  • Period: to

    Tiffin Fund Swells

    About 110 pupils anually are benefiting from the fund.
  • The Endowed Schools Act (1869)

    The Endowed Schools Act (1869) allows the local Kingston educational charities to be combined. It is decided by the Tiffin trustees that the fund will be used to create a new school.
  • The First Tiffin School

    The First Tiffin School
    The first Tiffin School is opened in Kington-upon-Thames and has an intake of 150 boys and 150 girls. The building still exists and is now a primary school.
  • The School Moves

    The School Moves
    Due to a lack of space, a school building is constructed on a new site in Kingston-upon-Thames. This is still the main building of the current school.
  • The Girls' School is Opened

    The Girls' School is Opened
    A new Tiffin Girls' School is opened in Kingston-upon-Thames. Tiffin School becomes single sex.
  • Education Act (1944)

    Conservative Government. The act provides for the appointment of a Minister for Education.
    The Local Education Authorities (LEAs) are created.
    The statutory system of education is organised into Primary, Secondary and Further Education.
    Education becomes compulsary between the ages of 5 and 15.
    State education becomes free.
    There is no mention of the tripartite system.
  • Tiffin Becomes a Grammar School

    Under the Education Act (1944) Tiffin School becomes a new grammar school.
  • Circular No. 73 (1945)

    Labour Government. The government under Clement Attlee tell LEAs to 'think in terms of three types' of school. The tripartate system is born.
  • General Certificate of Education

    The GCEs are introduced.
  • Certificate of Secondary Education

    The CSE is introduced. It allows able pupils at non-grammar schools to obtain a school qualification.
  • The University of Warwick is Founded

    The University of Warwick is Founded
    The University of Warwick gains its Royal Charter of Incorporation. It admits 450 undergraduates.
  • School leaving age raised

    The school leaving age is raised to 16.
  • Education Act (1976)

    Labour Government. The act set out the removal of selection from state schools. However, as there was no legal requirement for LEAs to end selection the effect is negligable.
  • Education Act (1979)

    Conservative Gorernment. The Education Act (1976) is repealed.
  • I am Born

    I am born in London.
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education

    The GCSE is introduced, replacing the old GCE O-levels and the CSE.
  • Education Reform Act (1988)

    Conservative Government. The National Curriculum is introduced.
    Schools can opt to become grant-maintained, removing themselves from LEA control.
  • I take SATs for key stage 1

    I take the National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 1 exams.
  • National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 1

    National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 1 are introduced. They are taken at the end of year 2.
  • Further and Higher Education Act (1992)

    Conservative Government. The Further Education Funding Councils are established.
    Further education and sixth form colleges are removed from LEA control.
  • Education (Schools) Act (1992)

    Conservative Government. Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) is estabished.
  • Tiffin School Becomes Grant-Maintained

    Tiffin School opts out of LEA control. It is now funded directly by a grant from central government.
  • Education Act (1993)

    Conservative Government. Science education is changed to remove sexually transmited diseases (AIDS, HIV) and human sexuallity.
    It is made easier for schools to become grant-maintained.
  • Education Act (1994)

    The Teacher Training Agency is established.
  • National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 2

    National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 2 are introduced. They are taken at the end of year 6.
  • I Take SATs for Key Stage 2

    I take the National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 2 exams. This is the second time I have taken national exams in the year they are introduced.
  • I Start at Tiffin School

    After taking the 11+ exam; I am selected to start at Tiffin School.
  • National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 3

    National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 3 are introduced. They are taken at the end of year 9.
  • I Take SATs for Key Stage 3

    I take the National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 3 exams. This is the third time I have taken national exams in the year they are introduced.
  • The Teaching and Higher Education Act (1998)

    Labour Government.
    Tuition fees and student loans are introduced for university students in England.
    Tuition fees are set at £3000 per year.
  • School Standards and Framework Act (1998)

    Labour Government. Grant maintained secondary schools are allowed to continue to be selective unless local parents vote for it to end. Only one vote is held, in Ripon, Yorkshire. It fails.
  • Specialist Colleges are announced

    Comprehensive schools begin to be turned into specialist colleges. Schools need to raise 50000 pounds in sponsorship and would then be givern 100000 pounds by the government and an extra 120 pounds per pupil per year.
    The comprehensive system is now effectively dead at this point.
  • City Academies

    Academies are established. Sponsors pay 2 million pounds to gain control of the board of governers and the abillity to alter the curriculum. These schools are removed from LEA control.
  • The First AS-Level Exams

    The first AS-Level exams are taken.
  • Schools - Achieving Success (2001)

    The academy system is expanded.
    Failing schools are now forced into becoming academies.
  • I Take AS-Levels

    I take the AS-Level exams. This is the forth time I have taken national exams in the year they are introduced.
  • I Start at The University of Warwick

    I begin to study for an honours degree of Master of Chemistry.
  • I Graduate from The University of Warwick

    I graduate with a 2:1 in Master of Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
  • Education and Skills Act (2008)

    Labour Government.
    School leaving age is raised to 18, to come into force in 2015.
  • I Complete my PhD

    I am awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry with Industrial Collaboration
  • Education Act (2011)

    Conservative/Liberal Democrat Government.
    The General Teaching Council for England is abolished.