b. Freud
Period: to
b. Piaget
b. Vygotsky
b. Erikson
b. Skinner
b. Bruner
b. Bronfenbrenner
Freud publishes essay Beyond the Pleasure Principle
Freud publishes paper The Ego and the Id
b. Bandura
d. Vygotsky
d. Freud
Erikson publishes landmark book Childhood and Society
Skinner published book Verbal Behavior
Erikson's published book: Young Man Luther
Bandura publishes book: Adolescent Aggression
Bruner publishes book: The Process of Education
Vygotsky's published book: Thought and Language
Bandura Conducts BoBo Doll Experiment
Bandura publishes book: Social Learning and Personality Development
Erikson publishes Youth: Change and Challenge
Erikson publishes Insight and Responsibility
Skinner's "Technology of Teaching" is published
Erikson's "Identity: Youth and Crisis" published
Piaget publishes: Psychology of the Child (Theories of Cogntive Development)
Bandura's "Principles of Behavior Modification" published
Skinner's "Beyond Freedom and Dignity published
Bandura's "Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis" published
Bruner's essay "Relevance of Education" published
Vygotsky's "A Mind in Society" published
Bronfenbrenner's landmark work "The Ecology of Human Development" published
d. Piaget
d. Skinner
d. Erikson
Erikson's " The Culture of Education" published
d. Bronfenbrenner