
Education History

  • Jefferson's Push for Common School

    Jefferson's Push for Common School
    Although Jefferson's idea of a common school was not incorported, his thoughts and statements will later have an impact when Horace Mann pushes for the Common School. He was really the first person to bring attention to the school system and how it needed to be changed. Without his influence who knows what would have happened.
  • Common School Movement

    Although this movement invovled a lot of different people it was still important. This was the first movement that showed how important school is and how it should be made more of priority and accessible to everyone.
  • Horace Mann's Impact on Education

    Horace Mann's Impact on Education
    Horace Mann was the person who really started the common schools and got a statewide school system going. He saw that the government needed to become involved in the school system and held meetings for people to come and see that he had an idea. He is known as the Father of American Education and really had a great impact on our education system today. LINK
  • School Choice Movement: Charter Schools, Vouchers

    By introducing different options for schools students are able to choose more of what they want to learn about and focus all their time on. These schools may cost more money but allow for a more topic focused education.
  • The Progressive Reform Movement

    This movement was important because the school system started to change in order to help the students learn more things that would help them in the real world. This provided them with skills and knowledge they would later use.
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    Immigration Increase

    The increase of immigration to America had a huge imact on the education system and the need for it in America. The large increase of students cause it to be more crowded and more space was needed.
  • John Dewey and Reform

    John Dewey had a major impact on the school system and curriculum as he focused more on interactiver learning. He said that students thrive and learn better in a place where they are interacting with one another and learning life skills.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    This event was really a turning point for education. This is when the African Americans really stood up for their rights and they were awarded and told that what was going on was unconstitutional. Although it took a while to get going and become active, it was a step in the right direction for the school system. It showed that what was going on was not acceptabe.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act was a HUGE advancement for education. This is what made the schools become desegregated. The state threatened to take away all of their funding if they didn't desegreate and combine their schools. Without this act the schools would not have been forced to combine and move our nation away from descrimination.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act provided all schools with funding and access to the supplies and money they need. Because Johnson was so big on making sure the poor were provided with the proper education this Act was huge for our education system and provided those who couldnt afford school or those poor schools with more opportunities for success.
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    This Act allowed for those with disabilites to be accepted into normal schools. This was a big move which helped increase the quality of life for many.
  • A Nation at Risk Report

    This movement really pushed for excellence in our education system. By increasing requirements and expectations more became expected from our school system.
  • The Standards Movement

    Although this goes along with A Nation at Risk it really focuses on the need for standards throughout our nation. WIth standards we are able to make sure everyone is learning what they need to learn when they need to learn it.
  • Standarized Testing

    Standarized testing allow to ability to test students to see where they are and to make sure that they really are learning what they need to learn. By testing them we can see where we are as a nation. This has completely changed how we approach education.
  • No Child Left Behind

    With the No Child Left Behind Act we focus on making sure every student is up to speed on what we learned. By having them reach bench marks we are able to tell where they are and make sure they aren't behind.