Elementary and Secondary Education Act
-An act to distribute funds to disadvantaged students (low income students in schools)
-Jutified through the equity legislation -
Report "Reclaiming our Nation at Risk"
Recommendation Information
-The message states that "our supposedly world-class system of education was not keeping pace with the progress of other nations, and this threatened both our children's opportunities and our collective (economic) future"
-Produced content standards that were clearer grade level specific and more academically challenging -
Improving America's Schools Act and Goals 2000 Educate America Act
Legislation Information
-This legislation adopted national K-12 performance goals which required state academic content standards and tests
-It provided federal funds to aid states and writing those content standards -
ESEA Reauthorization: "No Child Left Behind"
ESEA Information
-George W. Bush called for significant reforms at the federal level
-States accepting the federal government's funds agree to measure and report on results in terms of standards and accountability
-Most funds are in Title 1 for education support for disadvantaged students
-About 10% of public education costs are now funded by the federal government primarily via NCLB -
ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
-Continuing resolution passed instead, legislation continues “as is” until reauthorized, this continues until present time-Failure of reauthorization leads to the actions below, based on the authority of the Department of Education (executive branch of federal government) to make some types of adjustments in legislation without Congressional approval -
Race to the Top Grant Competition
Reform Information
-Money is distributed via a grant program
-Designing and implementing rigorous standards and high quality assessments
-Attracting and keeping great teachers and leaders in America's classrooms
-Supporting data systems that inform decisions and improve instruction
-Using innovation and effective approaches to turn around struggling schools
-Demonstrating and sustaining education reform -
ESEA Reauthorization: A Blueprint for Reform
-This document contains the Department of Education/Obama Administration proposals for changing NCLB when it is reauthorized. The executive branch can propose legislation, but it is written and passed only by Congress, and Congress may be in total disagreement with the executive branch