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Changes in Education: 1955 to the Present and Beyond!

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    Educational Change

  • Blooms Taxonomy Created

    Blooms Taxonomy Created
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    Federal troops enforce integration.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    Under President Eisenhower, federal funding was provided for all levels of education in the United States in science, math, and foreign languages. The US did not want to fall behind the USSR, especially in space initiatives.
  • ACT Testing

    ACT Testing
    First ACT test administered as a college readiness assessmnet. This focused on the content taught in schools as well as cognitive reasoning.
  • Bilingual Public School

    Bilingual Public School
    Coral Way Elementary School formed in Miami. It was the first bilingual and bicultural school in the United States.
  • Association for Children with Learning Disabilities

    Association for Children with Learning Disabilities
    Samuel A. Kirk, coins the phrase ¨learning disability." This eventually leads to the formation of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities.
  • War on Poverty

    War on Poverty
    Lyndon Johnson establishes the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA), which provides federal funds to help low income students.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    Title VII mandates schools to provide bilingual education classes. It recognized the needs of Limited English Speaking Ability (LESA) students.
  • The Open Classroom

    The Open Classroom
    The book ¨The Open Classroom¨ by Herber R. Kohl, which promotes open education, was published. It prompted students and teachers to be more open about all aspects of education including the emotional side.
  • Scantron

    Scantron technology introduced.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Federal Law to prevent discrimation on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.
  • Indian Education Act

    Indian Education Act
    Establishes a comprehensive approach to meet the needs of American Indian and Alaskan Native students.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    Section 504 guarantees civil rights for students with disabilities in federally funded institutions.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act (PL94-149)

    Education of all Handicapped Children Act (PL94-149)
    Free and appropriate education in the least restrictive setting for students with disabilities.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    First Apple II computers introduced for personal use.
  • Federal Tribal Colleges Act

    Federal Tribal Colleges Act
    Community colleges established on every Native American Reservation
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    President Jimmy Carter establishes the department of education as a cabinet position.
  • Homeschooling

    ¨Teach Your Own: A Hopeful Path for Education¨- John Holt. adds momentum to the homeschooling movement.
  • Creationism in Education

    Creationism in Education
    Supreme Court eliminates the ¨Creationism Act, thus allowing schools to teach evolution without teaching creationism
  • Case of Board of Education vs. Pico

    Case of Board of Education vs. Pico
    Supreme Court rules books cannot be removed from library because and Administrator deems it to be offensive.
  • Multiple Intelligences

    Multiple Intelligences
    Howard Garner published ¨Frames of Mind¨ identifying the 7 intelligences
  • Public Law 105-332 Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act

    Public Law 105-332 Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act
    Calls for sweeping reforms in public education and teacher training. Expanding H.S. requirements to include the study of computer science.
  • Emergency Immigrant Education Act

    Emergency Immigrant Education Act
    Provides funding for schools with large amounts of immigrant students.
  • Case of Wallace v. Jaffree

    Case of Wallace v. Jaffree
    Supreme Court finds silent prayer and teacher-led voluntary prayer in public schools violates the 1st amendment.
  • Success For All

    Success For All
    The Success For All initiative to improve reading and problem solving skills. (K-6th)
  • First National Educational Summit

    First National Educational Summit
    First National Educational Summit, Governers of all 50 states meet to establish goals for education across the United States.
  • University of Pheonix

    University of Pheonix
    First online campus opens in the United States
  • Teach for America

    Teach for America
    Teach for America forms which trains professionals to teach in ¨schools in need¨.
  • Charter School

    Charter School
    First Public Charter school opens in Minnesota.
  • Smart Technology

    Smart Technology
    First Smart Board is introduced into the classroom.
  • Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)

    Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)
    Bill Clintion impliments this act to reform Title I schools and increase funding for bilingual and immigrant education It also had the purpose of dropout prevention.
  • Goals 2000: Educate America Act

    Goals 2000: Educate America Act
    Developed standards and allotted 400million to states for necessary resources.
  • White Boards

    White Boards
    Whiteboards come into use in U.S. classrooms. Switching from blackboards.
  • Multicultural Education

    Multicultural Education
    James Bank’s book, Multicultural Education, Transformative Knowledge, and Action spurs the multicultural education movement.
  • Columbine

    Columbine school shooting. Schools tighten safety procedures and school shootings start happening at an alarming rate.
  • Conservatism

    Back to Basics movement links education with more conservative values.
  • NCLB

    Implementation of No Child Left Behind. Mandates high stakes testing, holds schools accountable for achievement levels, and provides penalties for schools that do not make yearly progress on NCLB goals.
  • School Vouchers

    School Vouchers
    U.S. Supreme Court rules that school voucher programs are constitutional and do not violate the 1st amendment.
  • Higher Education Act

    Higher Education Act
    Higher Education Act is amended and reauthorized, expanding access for low income and middle class students.
  • Cyber Education

    Cyber Education
    Khan Academy is formed providing online resources for students and teachers.
  • IDEA

    Individuals With Disabilities Improvement Act. Includes modifications in the IEP process and procedural safeguards with increased authority for schools. Requires schools to use the RTI approach for special education.
  • iClickler

    iClicker is introduced which allows teachers to use polling as part of their educational practices. Used for getting real time updates on student understanding.
  • The Education and Inspections Act (UK)

    The Education and Inspections Act (UK)
    Parliamentary Act to: ensuring that all children in all schools get the education they need to enable them to fulfill their potential.
  • VT Shooting

    VT Shooting
    The attack was the deadliest shooting by a single gunman in U.S. History.
  • The Education and Skills Act (UK)

    The Education and Skills Act (UK)
    Raised the minimum age at which a student could leave mandatory education to 18 if born after September 1, 1997.
  • Race to the Top

    Race to the Top
    ED Recovery Act funded RTT, which was an initiative by President Obama to spur and reward innovation in local K-12 education.
  • Common Core

    Common Core
    Common Core standards, which were developed with the help of state governors, began to be implemented across the participating states in the United States.
  • iPad

    iPads were introduced which innovated teaching in the classroom.
  • New MYP

    New MYP
    The International Baccalaureate program implimented the New MYP curriculum which reworked the standards to align more with the Common Core initiative.
  • Adaptation

    Schools of all types will be judged differently, from content and curriculum to a more complex set of skills.
  • School Format

    Formats of schools begin to diversify even further to increase adaptability and responsiveness.
  • Remote Interaction

    Students will Interact with others remotely, as predicted by Joe Williams. This will create a more individualized plan of instruction to students.
  • Telapprentiships

    Students will partake in remote apprentiships which further extends the remote learning.
  • Skilled Teachers

    Success of technology in schools will still rely on skilled teachers to drive technology used.
  • Urban Landscapes

    Urban schools and educators will link learning projects and inquiry to real life challenges, leading to true innovation. They will become design partners with government officials.
  • Certification Methods

    Career readiness will shift from a static benchmark to a continuous and dynamic need ofer a lifetime, requireing self-direted learning that is closely aligned to the needs of shifting industres.