Education Timeline

  • Old Deludar Satan Act of 1647

    The reason that schools were created was because the Massachusetts deemed it necessary for all individuals to be able to read and interpret the bible for themselves. The law required that towns of 50 families had an elementary and a town of 100 had a Latin School. This law had set some foundations for the way we still run our public schools in 2021
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    The Plessy v Ferguson case was were the U.S Supreme Court decided to uphold the Constitutionality of Racial Segration under the Doctrine "Separate but Equal". This verdict meant that the 14th amendment was only good for "Voting and Jury Services" not "Social Rights". Justice Henry Brown said that there was nothing wrong with this but that the Colored Race put the Constructions of "inferiority" on themselves.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    This case was a Milestone decision from the U.S Supreme Court because it was voted that the "Separate but Equal" Doctrine was unconstitutional. The Plessy v Ferguson Case was voted on 58 years before this this year they had paved the way to desegregate schools. This would also lead to desegregation of Local Judicial and Political Evasion as well.
  • Mapp v Ohio

    This U.S Supreme Court Case is in important because it strengthened the 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and Seizures. This law is also incorporated with the 14th Amendment as it holds on the Due Process Law Cause.
  • Engel v Vitale

    This Landmark Decision was brought before the U.S Supreme Court because it was said that it Violets an Americans 1st Amendment right. The Prayer that would be said was called the "Regents Prayer" which was a Non-Denominational Prayer that was said at the Beginning of every day. If a Student did not want to participate in this prayer, they were giving the option to stay silent or stand outside till it was over.
  • Tinker v Des Moines

    This case was brought before the U.S Supreme Court because of Free Speech and political rights being taken away in public schools. An 13 year old girl (Mary Beth Tinker) and her 16 year old brother (Christopher Eckhardt) wore black armsbands to school to protest the Vietnam War and were suspended for not taking them off. The parents of the Families filed suits against the state of Iowa for disciplining there students in such a way.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972

    This Act was founded because prior to 1970, Woman were often excluded from educational programs within the school system. Many Colleges and Universities would set Quotas for women to be accepted and also require higher test scores and grades to be admitted. This Act made it so that nobody could be discriminated against in education programs or activities that were offered federal financial assistance based on their sex.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    This act was founded because Mental Illness or Mental Retardation was looked at very dim and these individuals were not taking care of very well. Most of them would go with minimal food, Clothing and Shelter which made it all the less harder to assess, educate, and rehabilitate the individuals. This Act would require schools that are federally founded to Support State and localities in protecting the rights of individuals with Disabilities in there families.
  • Plyler v Doe

    This landmark decision was voted that States cannot Constitutionally Deny Students of Free Public Education because of there Immigration Status. This was a Big Win for Immigrants because it would allow them to get an education in there states but also set up lives for future generations as well. There have been states that try to circumvent this law and go with the district policy on whether or not immigrant students can be admitted.
  • Abbott v Burke

    The Abbott v Burke Case was brought to the Supreme Court because the poorer school districts were not getting as much funding as the wealthier school districts to do funding coming from property taxes in the areas. The Supreme Court ruling was to make sure that all of the Public Funded Schools receive the "Thorough and Efficient" School education that is granted by the state constitutions.
  • Parents involved in Schools v Seattle School District

    This was brought to the Supreme Court because the School district in Seattle, WA had allowed students to apply to any Highschool that they wanted to. If to many students had aplied they would do a Tiebreaker Admission system and a tiebreaker would also include race so they could be diverse. On June of 2007, the Supreme Court deemed the Tiebreaker to be Unconstitutional towards students because it would group students together and not give consideration to individuals.
  • Sheff v O'Neill

    This was brought forward due to the discrimination of ethnic individuals in the Public School system. This agreement with the state of Connecticut was to allow more minority students to be educated in reduced isolation setting.