Horace Mann
A visionary educator and proponent of public (or free) schools -
The First Kindergarten
The National Teachers Association
Boston creates the first public day school for the deaf
The Dewey Decimal System
The DDC is still the worlds most widely-used library classification system. -
Booker T. Washington
Becomes the first principal of the newly opened normal school -
National Congress of Mothers
Founded by Alice McLellan Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst. It becomes the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) -
Mary McLeod Bethune
An African American educator, founds the Daytona Educational and Industrial Training School for Negro Girls in daytona Beach, Florida -
The First Montessori School in the U.S
John Dewey's Democracy and Education
An introduction to the Philosophy of Education -
Jean Piaget's "The Child's Conception of the World" is published
Rosa Parks
Refuses to give up her seat on the bus to a Caucasian passenger and is subsequently arrested and fined.