First Public School in United States named Boston Latin School
11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
Benjamin Harris pints the first reading textbook that is widely used for the next century
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
States take control of education
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
In the early 1800s the chalkboard was invented and was very beneficial to small school rooms with many different ages.
Those who can, teach (pp.186) -
First Kindergarton is founded by Margrethe Schurz
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
The Teachers union began
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
National Teachers Association was formed
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
First Department of Education was formed
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
The Pledge of allegiance began to be said in schools
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
Plessy vs Ferguson
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
The filmstrip projector, the overhead projector the motion picture, and educational television brought many changes to the classroom. Technology became proponent that people thought that books would disappear in classrooms.
Those who can, teach (pp.187) -
Every state begins to require students to complete elementary school
11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
Schools began to teach sex education
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
The SAT began to be taken
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
National School lunch Act provided low-cost lunches for low-income students
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
Brown vs. Board of education
11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
The first Texas Instrument Calculator came out and are now used by many different students all over
Those who can, teach (pp.204) -
The ACT began to be taken
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
Elementary and Secondary Education act gives federal funding to schools
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
The coming out of GIS added a different way to teach. When teaching about different places you can easily look it up with GIS and the students can get more from the lesson
Those who can, teach (pp.185) -
Segregated Schooling was eliminated
11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
Segregated schooling was eliminated
11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
Standardized testing begins
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
When microcomputer became affordable many different software products where introduced.
Those who can, teach (pp.187) -
All high school graduates need to be able to understand and use computers.
Those who can, teach (pp.190) -
Excel came out with spreadsheets which allowed students and teachers to collect data in an easier more organized way
Those who can, teach (pp.200) -
Being able to take students on a field trip that is across the ocean while sitting in class is an exciting and beneficial way of teaching. Jason Project allowed this to happen
Those who can, teach (pp.202-203) -
The WebQuest model was developed to assist students in using appropriate websites
Those who can, teach (pp.201) -
The Geometer's Sketchpad came out adding another tool for teachers to use specifically for math
Those who can, teach (pp.203) -
Virtual Schools began a new way to get an education. With technology a student could be at home and graduate from high school. Virtual Schools allow student to take classes online
Those who can, teach (pp.205) -
No Child Left behind law was created
11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
All schools in America have access to the internet
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
All students need to be technologically literate by the time that they get to high school
Those who can, teach (pp.190) -
Common Core Standards came out
50 Facts and Events in U.S. Education History. (2017, October 05). Retrieved February, 2019, from https://blog.connectionsacademy.com/50-facts-and-events-in-u-s-education-history/ -
The National Education Technology Plan (NTEP) was published
Those who can, teach (pp.190) -
The use of ipads and hand help devices in schools raised by 340 percent
Those who can, teach (pp.213) -
85 percent of adults report not using the internet because it isn't relevant to them or it is too difficult to use.
Those who can, teach (pp.217)