The education act
school leaving acge was raises to 14, and day release for education was made manditory -
the 1921 education act
child employment below 12 years of age banned -
1936 eductaion act
school leaving age raised to 15 but with permision pupils could work from 14 in certain circumstances -
leaving age raised
school leaving age raised to 15 -
winds of change
46 new experimental comprehensive schools in operation across britain -
11 plus abolishment planned
11 plus testing is abbolished. government puts pressure on schools to cinvert to comprehensives but doesnt force schools. -
school leaving age
school leaving age raised to 16 -
1976 education act
selection officail stopped but loop holes allow schools to continue -
1979 education act
selection at 11 is attempted to be brought back but is unpopular and fails, -
the national curriculum
the national curriulum brought in to standardise what was taught in schools -
started primary school
started at glazebury primary school at 4 years old -
moved area and school
moved area and did year 4 offmore first first school, moved from a 2 tier system to a 3 tier system -
started middle school
started at sladen CofE middle school in 2002 -
yr 6 sats
took yr6 sats -
started high school
started at king charles 1st high school, did sats in 2007 gcse's in 2009 -
national curriculum
national curriculum overhaulled -
yr9 sats abolished
KS3 sats are abolished meaning pupils can start working towards science maths and english gcse's in year 9 -
started 6th form
started 6th form at king charles -
ema scrapped
went to bangor university
starded univsersity studing chemistry as the last year of paying £3000 a year -
tuition fee's
its anounced univsrsity tution fees will increase to £9000 a year from 2012 entry -
eductaional reform
a new national curriculum is introduced, along with tougher stance on modules in exams