Education through History

  • Old Deluder Satan Act

    Old Deluder Satan Act
    The Old Deluder Satan Act was a Massachusetts law that required every town with 50 or more families to establish a school. The act was passed in 1647 and was the first effort to create a public school system in the United States. The law helped to lay the foundation for modern American education and ensured that education was available to all children, regardless of wealth or social status.
  • The Land Ordinance

    The Land Ordinance of 1785 was a federal law that set aside land in the western territories for public schools. This law helped to create a system of public schools in the western territories and ensured that education was available to all settlers.
  • The Common School Movement

    The Common School Movement was a movement in the early 19th century that sought to create a system of public schools that would be accessible to all children, regardless of wealth or social status. This movement helped to establish the idea of a free public education and laid the foundation for modern American education.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann was a Massachusetts educator who is known as the "Father of American Public Education." Mann was a strong advocate for public education and helped to establish a system of public schools in Massachusetts. He also wrote extensively about the importance of education and helped to lay the foundation for modern American education.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was founded in 1852 and was one of the first institutions of higher education to focus on the study of science and technology. This school helped to establish the idea of a specialized institution of higher education and paved the way for modern universities. The founding of MIT had a positive impact on education and helped to create a new standard for higher education.
  • Morrill Land-Grant Act

    The Morrill Land-Grant Act was a federal law that provided land and funding to states to establish colleges that would focus on the study of agriculture and the mechanical arts. This law helped to create a system of public colleges and universities and ensured that education was available to all citizens.
  • The First Normal School

    The First Normal School was founded in Massachusetts in 1870 and was the first institution of higher education to focus on the training of teachers. This school helped to create a professional class of teachers and ensured that education was available to all children.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark Supreme Court case in which Homer Plessy, a black man, challenged the constitutionality of segregation in public transportation in Louisiana. The court ruled in favor of segregation, stating that as long as the separate facilities were equal, segregation was constitutional. This decision set the precedent for "separate but equal" and maintained segregation in education for several decades.
  • The Smith-Lever Act

    The Smith-Lever Act was a federal law that provided funding for the creation of extension services in land-grant colleges. This law helped to create a system of outreach programs in colleges and universities and ensured that education was available to all citizens.
  • The GI Bill

    The GI Bill
    The GI Bill was a federal law that provided financial assistance to veterans of World War II to attend college. This law helped to create a generation of educated citizens and ensured that education was available to all who served in the military. The GI Bill had a positive impact on education and helped to ensure that veterans were able to attend college and receive a higher education.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v. Board of Education declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. African American parents argued that segregation violated their children's rights. The decision ensured equal education for all children but segregationist attitudes persisted.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was a federal law that provided funding for education programs in public schools. This law helped to ensure that education was available to all children and helped to improve the quality of education in public schools.
  • Title IX

    Title IX was a federal law that prohibited gender discrimination in education. The law impacted all levels of education, from elementary to post-secondary, and ensured that girls and women had equal opportunities in education and athletics. This law had a significant impact on women's sports and helped to increase opportunities for girls in education.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    The Education of all Handicapped Children Act was a federal law that ensured that children with disabilities have access to a free and appropriate education. The law required public schools to provide special education services to children with disabilities and ensured that they were not excluded from the educational opportunities available to other children. This law had a significant impact on the education of children with disabilities and helped to ensure that they had access to an education
  • Plyler v. Doe

    Plyler v. Doe was a Supreme Court case that challenged a Texas law that prohibited illegal immigrant children from attending public schools. The court ruled that denying these children access to education violated their 14th Amendment rights. This decision ensured that all children, regardless of immigration status, have access to a public education.