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Attended Nursery from three months old to allow my mum to work as a single parent at this time, this was a private nursery within our local area. -
Janet Genter is a community nursery created for parents who needed to work but had no childcare. We were not in this situation, my mother founded the nursery and placed me in it as a form of advertisement. I was, for 2 months, the only child at this school until is co-hort of 9 students were filled. By the time I left this cohort it had grown to a capacity of 60 students. -
Alderman Cohgan Infant School
Open since 1955, I attended this church of England school for a year until we moved to Derbyshire. -
Elmsley Infant School
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Elmsley Infant School
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Springfield Prmary School
I started teaching about Domestic Violence
The Pingle School
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The Pingle School
Whilst not in the catchment area I attended this secondary school because my sister was already attending. This was an average sized secondary school. -
I registered as a volunteer
The Pingle School Sixth Form
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The Pingle School Sixth Form
Sixth form attached to my secondary school, most pupils were follow-ins from the main school but some from local secondary schools also joined. -
I started University