
Education Technology from 2010 to 2020

By Piran
  • Connectivism

    Connectivism theory proposes the learning through integration of thoughts and information which is aided by the use of technology. Learning does not reside in an individual but is best experiences when collaborating with others, sharing ideas and understanding different perspectives. Connectivism Theory
  • Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

    Personal Learning Environment (PLE)
    PLEs are individually tailored to a student's requirements and include usage of personal devices, apps, educational platforms and social media. It increases student engagement, enables collaboration within and outside the school, and improves the overall learning experience. How PLEs Transform Learning
  • Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

    Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
    MOOCs offer tremendous flexibility to students and greatly increases learner participation in academics. On the other hand, success in these courses depend on criteria like digital literacy skills, self-motivation, self-discipline, etc., which are not found in all students. Insights and Challenges - MOOCs
  • Open Textbooks

    Open Textbooks
    Open textbooks are extremely useful because they save costs, increase accessibility to students (especially from lower income households) and increase equality of learning opportunities. However, such learning resources sometimes lack in quality, may breach copyright laws and are generally not updated from time to time. The Advantages and Challenges of Open Textbooks
  • Learning Analytics (LA)

    Learning Analytics (LA)
    LA plays a vital role in academics by improving and personalizing educational goal measurement as well as feedback. It can positively shape the academic journey of learners by helping them edit and adapt to various methodologies that suit them to get the desired results. However, just like all technologies, LA also has inherent risks like data privacy, confidentiality, and abuse of data to shape perceptions and beliefs. Shaping the Future of Education
  • Digital Badges

    Digital Badges
    Digital badges are very effective in increasing student engagement and online participation as well as collaboration. While it motivates desirable behavior like asking, answering and voting questions, and completing assignments, it sometimes has a negative effect of shifting focus from performance to competition.
    Effectiveness of Digital Badges
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    Various AI capabilities are available for enhancing learner experience today, for ex. a personal tutor from 'Khanmigo' or language learning with 'Duolingo'. The key challenge is, however, the abuse of AI tools for cheating and unethical completion of assignments or essays. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Blockchain

    Blockchain, as a distributed ledger system, can be used to record transactions in education in a safe, transparent and tamper-proof manner. The most important use cases of blockchain in education would be to store and verify students' credentials like degrees, diplomas, and certifications. Unlocking the Power of Blockchain
  • Ethics in Education Technology

    Ethics in Education Technology
    The use of technology in education gives rise to privacy / confidentiality, and plagiarism. Technology makes it easier for unscrupulous characters to breach confidentiality and privacy norms. On the other hand, students can get attracted to unethical use of technology, for ex. plagiarism, in their quest for better grades. Ethical Issues in Education Technology
  • Augmented Reality (AR)

    Augmented Reality (AR)
    Augmented Reality helps today's students to learn how and where to find information, understand it quickly, and apply it effectively. While AR may be highly efficient and effective in learning, its high cost is a major setback because it excludes a large population of students from taking advantage. Augmented Reality Trends in Education
  • Distance Learning

    Distance Learning
    Students spent most of the year away from school which resulted in lesser time being spent on science, math, languages, literature, reading, and writing. Teachers' abilities to have a positive impact on students was reduced dramatically, and parents played a very important role in helping their children with studies as well as overcoming stress. Pandemic Induced Home Learning