Education Reform

By 2039896
  • Start of Teacher's Union

    The National Teachers Association was created to give educators a united team, starting at 100 members.
  • Forced Schooling

    As the main effort to get native american children into boarding schools, they forced them to go to boarding schools where they were required to speak english and attend church.
  • Plessy VS Ferguson

    Plessy VS Ferguson
    This court case legalized segregation in schools.
  • Free Public Schools

    Free Public Schools
    All states have laws requiring mandatory school attendance for children through elementary school.
  • Pierce V Society of Sisters

    Pierce V Society of Sisters
    This supreme court ruling finds that children can't be compelled to attend public school instead of private school.
  • School Lunch for All

    School Lunch for All
    National School Lunch Act enables access to school lunch by making available low cost or free lunches for low income students.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    The decision reverses Plessy v Ferguson ruling that separate is not equal, and outlaws segregation.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    This act provided educational funding to schools of all levels in America. This was after they realized that the math and science education was not as good as it should be.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Funding fro primary and secondary education was greater and it banish the establishment of standardized schooling systems.
  • Education Professionals Development Act

    Education Professionals Development Act
    Required for extensive training for educational teachers and instructors.
  • Department of Education Act

    Department of Education Act
    Established United States Department of Education as a cabinte position within the United States Government.
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics published Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for school mathematics

    This reformed mathematics education to study concept rather than specific equations and algorithms.
  • Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technologies Act

    Mandated federal funding and schools toward preparing student for a technologically oriented future in the workplace.
  • Improve America's Schools Act

    Improve America's Schools Act
    Reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965, and added a lot of parts related to low income schools.
  • Educate America Act

    Educate America Act
    Required individual states to submit applications describing how they will create a school improvement program.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This required annual standardized testing for students nationwide, grades 3-8.
  • Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technologies Act

    Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technologies Act
    Reauthorized previous act of 1990, it also strengthened the connection primary and secondary education.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
    Allocated over 100 billion dollars in funding toward k-12 educational institutions.
  • Race to the Top

    Race to the Top
    President Barack Obama's Race to the Top program ushers in a wave of education reforms as states compete for federal grants in the midst of a recession.