Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act provided federal funding to states for education programs for disadvantaged students in order to support equity. The funds were distributed funds to schools using a "formula" based on the number of low-income students at a school. The states were then "accountable" for spending the money appropriately. Education is a states' right so federal involvement was questioned but then justified because of equity legislation and the "spending clause". -
"Reclaiming our Nation at Risk"
Our world class education system was lacking compared to other nations and our childrens' future as well as the economic future was at risk. The report recommended that schools, colleges, and universisties adopt more rigorous and measurable standards, and high expectations for academic performance and that four year colleges and universities raise their requirements for admission. As a result standard paced education systems were put into action. -
ESEA: No Child Left Behind
ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
Continuing resolution passed instead, legislation continues "as is" until reauthorized, this continues until present time. If the reauthorization were to fail it would go to the authority of the Department of Education to make some adjustments in legislation without Congressional approval. -
Race to the Top Grant Competition
States must design and implement rigorous standards and high quality assessments, attract and keep great teachers and leaders in America's classroom, support data systems that inform decisions and improve instruction, use innovative and effective approaches to turn-around struggling schools, and demonstrate and sustain education reform.