Santa Fe School District v. Doe
The U.S. Supreme Court Rules that the district's policy of allowing student-led prayer prior to football games violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment -
No Child Left Behind Act
The law, which reauthorizes the ESEA of 1965 and replaces the bilingual Education Act of 1968, mandates high-stakes student testing, hold schools accountable for student achievement levels, and provides penalties for school that do not make adequate yearly progress toward meeting the goals of NCLB. -
Zelman v. Simmions-Harris
The U.S Supreme court rules that certain school voucher programs are constitutional and do not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment -
International Association for K-12 Online Learning
A non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing K-12 online education, is "launched as a formal corporate entity" -
H.R. 1350 The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act
Reauthorizes and modifies IDEA. Changes, which took effect on July 1, 2005, include modifications in the IEP process and procedural safeguards, increased authority for school personnel in special education placement decisions, and alignment of IDEA with the No Child Left Behind Act . The 2004 reauthorization also requires school districts to use the Response to Intervention approach as a means for the early identification of students at risk for specific learning disabilities. -
Monkey Trial
the U.S. District Court of Pennsylvania rules in the case of Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District that teaching "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolution is a violation of the First Amendment.