Education In America

  • Latin School for Boys

    Instituted in the Spanish colony of St. Augustine (present-day Florida), it was one of the first schools in North America
  • Quakers establish the Friends Public School

    Established in Philadelphia, it was one of the first public schools in America, focused on Quaker principles of equality and tolerance.
  • Early Colonial Education

    During the colonial era, education was primarily run by the church and focused on religious instruction and basic reading
  • Boston opens America's first public high school

    Boston Grammar School was established as the first tax-funded public high school in America.
  • Common School Movement

    Spurred on by Horace Mann and other reformers, this movement advocated for free and universal public education for all children, regardless of background or wealth.
  • Progressive Era

    Focused on social and political reforms, including education. He introduced changes such as compulsory education, vocational education, and the kindergarten movement.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, setting a precedent for school integration.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Fought against racial segregation in schools and advocated for equal educational opportunities for all students, regardless of race.
  • Engel vs Vitale

    Legal case that banned mandatory prayer in public schools, arguing that it violated the First Amendment of the Constitution
  • Tinker vs Des Moines

    Legal case that affirmed the rights of students to express their political opinions at school, protecting freedom of expression.
  • Lemon vs Kurtzman

    Legal case that established the "Lemon Test" to determine the constitutionality of government financial aid to religious schools, emphasizing secularity
  • Board of Education v Rowley

    Legal case that set the standard for special education, holding that students with disabilities have a right to an "appropriate" education but not necessarily the "best."
  • Plyler

    Legal case affirming the right of undocumented immigrant children to receive a free public education in the United States
  • New Jersey v T.L.O

    A legal case that set the standard for searches and searches in schools, requiring reasonable suspicion to take such actions
  • United States vs Lopez

    A legal case that limited Congress' reach to regulate education, declaring the School Gun-Free Zones Act unconstitutional
  • No Child Left Behind

    Bipartisan law that sought to improve educational standards, especially in reading and math, and close the achievement gap between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    Introduced by President George W. Bush, this law sought to improve accountability in public education and close the achievement gap between students from different demographic groups.
  • Forest Grove School District vs. T. A

    Legal case that addressed the responsibility of public schools in the education of students with disabilities, even if they were not initially identified as eligible for special services.