Education Historical Timeline

By aaho2
  • Common Schools

    Common schools integrated students of varied economics, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. Horace Mann and John Dewey believed in common schools. This was the first step to public schools.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    The U.S. Supreme court ruled that the law requiring "separate but equal" integrations for people of different race on railroads was constitutional. This spread into public schools and served as justification for racism.
  • Child Study Movement

    This movement was developed by Stanley Hall. It studied how children's minds and personalities developed, which gave educators a better idea of how to teach children in the most efficient way.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    This court case ruled that "separate but equal" was very unequal. The supreme court agreed that education is the most important thing for children, so separating them wasn't beneficial. This was one of the first big moves to join children of different races together.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    This was one of the most important acts that provided educational program funding. It held states and schools responsible for fixing unequal accomplishments among different students.