Walkout at Robert Russa Moton High School
Barbara Johns, a sixteen-year-old at Robert Russa Moton High School, lead a walkout. This walkout was organized to bring awareness to the poor conditions of the school. -
Brown V. Board of Education
The United States Supreme Court decides to rule out segregation in schools. This act confirmed that segregated schools are unconstitutional. -
Clinton Highschool Integration
Twelve African American students have their first day of school at Clinton High School. In the south, this is the first integrated high school. -
Little Rock Central Highschool
The Little Rock Nine attempt to enter Little Rock Central Highschool, but are prevented by the National Gaurd. They are then escorted into school by a U.S. Army Air Division -
Greensboro sit-ins
At Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, a group of black students have a sit-in. This sit-in is to protest against segregation in diners and food establishments. -
Ruby Bridges at William Frantz Elementary
At William Frantz Elementary in New Orleans, Louisiana, Ruby Bridges attends an all-white school at 6 years old. Ruby Bridges was the first black student at the school. -
Desegregation of the University of Mississippi
When supreme court orders that Ole Miss must be admitted into the University of Mississippi, people are outraged. This act causes a riot on campus. -
University of Alabama Door Block
To prevent black students from enrolling at the University of Alabama, Governor George Wallace stands in the door. During this act, the governor is confronted by U.S. deputy.