Education changes 20th century

  • The black board

    While this invention may seem small, it transformed the classrooms. The innovative idea from this Scottish high school teacher changed each individual student using a painted slab of wood or slate, to being able to teach a whole classroom at once more effectively and introduce the more well known modern way of lessons.
  • Boston English Higschool

    The Boston English school, formally known as the English Classic school , was one of the first public high schools in America located in Jamaica Plain, Boston Massachusetts. This broadened the scope of students who could receive education in different socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • The Great Depression

    The stock market crashes causing a devastating effect to education funding. This caused a surplus of schools closing, as well as teacher salary cuts and layoffs.
  • World War II

    The U.S enters the world war after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor December 7th. During the next four years much of the country's resources were devoted to the war effort including many young men and staff in schools. Many school constructions were put on hold as well as the lives of many students during this time.
  • Smart Board

    Huge leaps are being made in technology affecting education and this is just one example. Something we see almost so simple and useless paves way for innovative ways to learn in the classroom through technology.
  • Google

    The world takes leaps forward when two guys make a search engine in their California garage. This opened up new and easier ways to access information, causing education to change accordingly.
  • Covid

    The Covid pandemic takes the world by storm, completely turning everything on its head including schools. Districts shut down schools and rapidly try to configure an online learning system, while students are trying to handle what they are experiencing.
  • Critical Race Theory

    Several states ban the teaching of critical race theory in classrooms, restricting the ways race and racism are taught, and erasing vital history.