
education and entertainment

  • 1940

    in this year the Mexican cinema used to express values and feelings.
    in this year the parents used to ban the education a their childeren for sends to work.
  • 1945

    in this year the education used to very demanding and punish to the students for no comply with the rules.
    in this year the people used to entertain with theater plays.
  • 1950

    in this year the education and the entertainmenet used to be alone for rich.
  • 1955

    in this year the entertainment used to for childrent in disneyland.
    in this year the education used to be very religious.
  • 1960

    in this year used to create the television for entertainment family.
    in this year the education used to very bad and the students have that wear their own elemets.
  • 1965

    in this year the programs of miss world used to be of entertainment.
    inh this year used to create universities and school privates.
  • 1970

    in this year the education used to be alone for strata mediums and rich.
    in this year the technology increase and used to decrease thes calculators.
  • 1975

    in this year Carlos Lleras Restrepo used to increase the technicians bachelor.
    in this year the calculator used to reduce their sizes and prices.
  • 1980

    in this year used to implement the education for adults.
    in this year used to invent Sears that transmit to 1 mile.
  • 1985

    in this year used to do exhibitions photographs.
    in this year used to implement the education for people of low resources.
  • 1190

    in this year used to implement the video game whith the Nintendo.
    in this year used to implement the straight to the education.
  • 1995

    in this year the education used to have a lot problems by the displacement.
    in this year used to create the fisrt move in Hollywood "the escarlata".
  • 2000

    in this year used to create the first phone NOKIA.
    in this year used to implement as priority the language english.
  • 2005

    in this year the photographer "HUGO" used to win the prize Oscar by his best photography.
    in this year used to implement the education sexual in the schools.
  • 2010

    in this year used to launch the movie call " the minions".
    in this year used to implement workshops of education food.
  • 2015

    in this year used to create news bands of music as the "Latin Latas".
    in this year the education used to implement the be pilo pays.
  • 2018

    in this year was create the Netflix for more entertainment.
    in this year the education is being of modify in the universities publish.