Boston started the first public high School
Horace Mann became the Secretary of Education
Start of Common Schools
Period: to
Early History of American Education
All States had Free Elementary Schools
John Dewey "My Pedagogic Creed"
Jane Addams "The Public School and the Immigrant Child
NAACP Founded
Junior High Schools Began
Kindergarten in all Elementary Schools
Maria Montessori "A Critical Consideration of the New Pedagogy"
Franklin Bobbitt "Scientific Method in Curriculum-Making"
Invention of the Automobile
Allowed sharing of public schools across a large area. -
Pierce v. Society of Sisters
States could not compel children to attend public schools over private schools. -
Modern Education Theories by Boyd Bode
George S. Counts "Dare the School Build a New Social Order"
Brown vs. Board of Education
Put an end to Separate But Equal