
  • Jul 1, 1076

    education of all handicapped children act.

    This act guarantee children with special and physical needs a healthy and safe school experience. Required students to be placed in least restrictive environment. It also guarantee fair and appropriate services. lastly it provided federal funds to help states educate students with disablitilies .
  • Common schools movement

    This was the belief of free school . States began to tax for public schools . Mann creates attendance law . Education was seen as success in a child’s life .
  • Homestead act

    Any adult citizen who didn’t borne arms against U.S government could claim 160 acres. Owners could purchase land six years later . It “ improve” the dwelling and cultivating land . It also made them pay registration fee.
  • plessy v.ferguson

    It occurred during may 18,1896. Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark in the supreme court who help with the segregation between African American. It started by an African American who refused to give up seat. This affected mainly African Americans. This created the Jim crows laws and gave African America and rights. This affected schools by African Americans children having to sit in the back of bus, due to the racism going on.
  • Development of Roman schools

    Children were separated by gender in classrooms . The rich had better education. Girls didn’t really get an education they were to be married by the age of 12 . Only wealthy females received an education .
  • Period: to

    brown v. the board of education, Topeka

    This was the main Supreme Court case in which justices ruled unanimously in schools for racial segregation. It also impacted civil rights movement and helped established "separate -but-equal". The individuals that were affected were African Americans. It also affected schools by providing amendments and equal protection to public schools. This guaranteed amendment 14th which gave them rights. This also took away all the segregation in schools such as different textbooks, classrooms etc.
  • Civil fights movements

    It was a struggle for social justice for African Americans to gain equal rights . Devastating effects of racism . They had enough prejudice and racism going on to the point where violence began . After they fought for justice they were guaranteed rights etc .
  • Voting rights

    This helped end racism and allowed anyone to vote. The civil rights also help this law get passed . African American could now vote . Discrimination came to an end , no one got judged .
  • title IX

    This created a safe, non sexual assault school environment. This is helpful to students. It provides a benefit to students school experience and makes it safer. It prevents sexual assault cases and makes kids feel safer. Until this day it motivates and makes a student feel safe anywhere.
  • Pyler v.Doe

    This affected immigrants children who were illegal. Before this law, students were denied the rights to attend public schools. The decision guarantee every individual the right to a free public education. This gave every student a chance to attend school to be successful. It also provided them an education to live in society.
  • Education now a days.

    Before all the laws were passed people couldn’t go to school based on race or even culture. Now a days even salves are taught to read which is amazing . Back in the day it was hard to get an education and help . Rich people help pay for low income students school which is something good. Education is now free due to scholarships or financial aid .
  • Creation schools

    Reforming schools now a days . Through globalization. Also the culture keeps cultures informed . Through generations genes are being passed to educate future children .