The Great Depression begins
--budget cuts for public schools
--many children dropped out
at the same time parents encouraged their children to stay in school so they could become better educated and get a decent job -
FDR is elected
Works Progress Admin.
--part of FDR's New Deal to get the nation out of the depression
--WPA built schools (as well as other public buildings) -
attack on Pearl Harbor
US enters WWII
--young men are drafted to fight, leaving schools -
Kindergarten Movement--childhood was internationally seen as an important stage in life, not supported on a state level -
ballpoint pens
first computer is invented
--advances in math and science lead schools away from literacy and verbal techniques
--eventually (modern times) computer/typing courses become mandatory -
Manhattan Project
-- Einstein helped developed the a-bomb
-- chemistry, physics, and other sciences and advanced maths are pushed in schools -
Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Big Bang Theory
-- goes against the Bible
-- similar controversy to the Scopes Monkey Trial in the 1920s
raises the question of "should creation be taught in schools?"
-- Georges Lemaître (priest)