EDUC385: It's About Time!

  • Birth

    Erin Gruwell was born on August 15, 1969.
  • Graduated high school

    Graduated high school
    Gruwell graduated from Bonita High School around 1987, which is located in La Verne, CA.
  • Graduates from UCI

    Graduates from UCI
    Around 1991, Gruwell earns her Bachelor's in English Language and Literature from UCI.
  • Changes her career path

    Changes her career path
    After watching the 1992 Los Angeles riots on the news, Gruwell changed her future profession from a lawyer to a teacher. She did this because she believed educating students would make more of a difference. Once they are in the courtroom it's too late. She could make more of a drastic change when they are younger and still moldable.
  • Graduates from CSULB

    Graduates from CSULB
    Around 1993, Gruwell earns her Master's in Education and teaching credentials from CSULB.
  • Began student teaching

    Began student teaching
    Gruwell began student teaching at Woodrow High School in Long Beach, CA.
  • Period: to

    Media coverage

    Between 1994 and 1998, the Freedom Writers garnered a great deal of media coverage, including appearances on Good Morning America, The View, and Primetime Live.
  • Became a full-time teacher

    Became a full-time teacher
    Gruwell became a full-time teacher at Woodrow High School and continued to teach her students.
  • Founded the Freedom Writers Foundation

    Founded the Freedom Writers Foundation
    In 1997, Gruwell founded the Freedom Writers Foundation, which positively affects communities by decreasing high school dropout rates through the replication and enhancement of the Freedom Writers Method.
  • Started to work at Cal State Long Beach

    Started to work at Cal State Long Beach
    After teaching for only four years, Gruwell left Wilson High School and became a Distinguished Teacher in Residence at CSULB.
  • The publication of The Freedom Writers Diary

    The publication of The Freedom Writers Diary
    Erin Gruwell published The Freedom Writers Diary, which was written by her students (the Freedom Writers) and herself.
  • The publication of her autobiography

    The publication of her autobiography
    Erin Gruwell publishes her autobiography which shares her experiences teaching the Freedom Writers. It is called Teach with Your Heart: Lessons I Learned from the Freedom Writers.
  • The release of Freedom Writers

    The release of Freedom Writers
    In 2007, the movie, Freedom Writers, is released. This film tells Erin Gruwell's story and the Freedom Writers'.