Educ 4573 02 Rilee Devine

  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    It was a world wide downturn of the stock market that lasted about 10 years. It affected many people and countries. It is considered the most sever depression of all time. Many people lost so much due to the loss of money, and many places, factories, and farms were shut down.
  • The start of World War 2.

    The start of World War 2.
    Adolf Hitler decided to invade Poland. After Germany invaded, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. This was the start to the deadliest war.
  • One president with 4 terms.

    One president with 4 terms.
    On January 20, 1941 Franklyn Roosevelt was the first, and only president to be elected 3 times. Then again on January 20, 1945 he was the first and only person to be elected and inaugurated 4 times.
  • The US enters World War 2.

    The US enters World War 2.
    The US was avoiding entering the war, but Japan dragged the US in. On December 7, 1941 Japan bombed a Naval base in Hawaii because the US was helping with giving supplies to Great Britain during their fight in the war. After Japan bombed pearl harbor, the US entered the war.
  • World War 2 officially ended.

    World War 2 officially ended.
    After sufferings many losses from the bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered and officially marked the end of World War 2. The document was signed off the coast of Tokyo Japan, aboard the USS Missouri.
  • The United Nations was established.

    The United Nations was established.
    This group was established to maintain international peace. It is meant to help humanity if needed. Helps with Human rights, as well as security. They also uphold different international laws. It was created right after WW2, in hopes that there wouldn't be anything as bad again, and that peace can be maintained.
  • The 22nd amendment was created.

    The 22nd amendment was created.
    2 years into Roosevelts fourth term they passed the 22nd amendment, to make it so presidents can only be elected for 2 terms, which makes it so they can only be in office for 8 years. This was passed on February 6, 1947, and took effect February 27, 1951.
  • Major impact on the Civil Rights Movement

    Major impact on the Civil Rights Movement
    On December 1, 1955, Rosa parks made a big impact on the civil rights movement. She refused to move and give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery. This protest caused a spark to ignite in the civil rights movement. In this act of protest, she got kicked off the bus, arrested, and convicted from violating the law of segregation.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream

    Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream
    MLK JR. made an incredible speech that was broadcasted live to many and heard across the US. He talked about his dream, and the dream of many people of color. He talked about how they dreamed of equality amongst everyone. How everyone was created equally, and should be treated equally. This speech left a big impact on so many.
  • President Johnson signs the civil rights act.

    President Johnson signs the civil rights act.
    President Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act. This act made it illegal to discriminate in public places. It made it so everyone was able to attend public schools, pools, library's. It also made work place discrimination illegal.