Eduardo Castro Timeline of my life

  • The Day I was Born

    I dont remember the Day I was born, but I do know that I was born with a twin sister, and her name is Nancy.
  • My first day of school

    I remember that I was crying in the first day of preschhol. I was crying, beacause I didint want my mom to leave. After the crying walked in classs with my twin sister.
  • My first pet

    My first pet, or should I say pets were clown fishes in a big bowl. I had a totel of 10 fishes, but in a seconed they all died, and the family felt lonely.
  • My seconed pet

    Finally all the despair went away when I got more pets for christmas, but this time they were two birds. Two years later one escaped, and never came back. The other died four years later py posion.
  • My very own telescope

    I got my very own telescope for christmas, and I have been looking through it ever since, and Im steel going at it. In fact Im going to use it tommorrw in the moring to wach the moon.
  • When I start collecting lego starwars.

    Evey boby started to collected legos, but me so I started to collected my favorte sci move Star Wars. I have been collecting them for years, but finally got tried of them.
  • Play staion two Time!!!

    I got my first ps2 in crhistmas and I played it 24/7. My ps2 is carring alot of memories.
  • I started to do car repairs

    There was a time when my dad broke the car, and my dad and started to repare it. It took about 3 weeks, but it was worth it.
  • First day of middle school

    My firsy day in middle school was lonely, beacause I had no friends, but later on i made new friends.
  • My first day in high school

    My first day in high school was amazing, beacaues I have my new friends from middle school, and my old ones. My jurney aint over yet I steel have a futire ahead of me