EDRL 471 - Assignment 3

  • Bedtime Stories

    Bedtime Stories
    Before I started school my mom would sometimes read me bedtime stories and I always loved them. I used to make her read me the same ones over and over again
  • Learning the Alphabet

    Learning the Alphabet
    Recognizing letter in the alphabet and associating sounds with letters. These are the first experiences with reading.
  • Starting to read

    Starting to read
    Throughout first and second grade my reading continued to improve till I could read independently.
  • Tests on Reading

    Tests on Reading
    Once I was able to read the school had us regularly take tests on the books we read. They also had some way of telling us our reading level in a way to motivate us to try to get to a higher level.
  • Extra Reading

    Extra Reading
    In elementary school I fell a bit behind in reading, so there was one year where I regularly had to stay after school for an hour and do extra reading and tests. As a kid I found this boring and this likely contributed to my lack of interest in reading.
  • Finding Reading Boring

    Finding Reading Boring
    In middle school I found reading pretty boring and I disliked when we had to read articles.
  • Fun Teacher

    Fun Teacher
    In nineth grade I had a teacher who was able to make class fun while still teaching us. I enjoyed this class, but it was the year covid hit and it got cut short.
  • Enjoying Writing

    Enjoying Writing
    In 11th grade I took an imaginative writing class which gave me the chance to write about whatever I wanted, and I started liking writing a lot more!
  • Enjoying Reading

    Enjoying Reading
    In twelfth grade I had a teacher who's love for English was very apparent, and from taking her class I was able to have a stronger appreciation for reading and writing.
  • My Favorite Writing

    My Favorite Writing
    Late semester, Spring 24, I took MATH 301 introduction to proofs, and we explored a new type of writing I hadn't seen much of before, and I found I really enjoy writing and reading proofs.