History of Multicultural Education

By ypark79
  • Learning Disability

    Learning Disability
    The term "Learning Disability" was used by Samuel A. Kirk during the Chicago conference. It was a conference regarding children with perceptual disorders. Since then, the term "Learning Disability" was widely used and adopted by education systems.
  • The Refugee Act of 1980

    The Refugee Act of 1980
    The Refugee Act of 1980 was signed on March 18th by President Jimmy Carter. This act allows many refugees to settle in the United States and that resulted in adding diversity and special needs to classrooms in America.
  • Prayer in Public Schools

    Prayer in Public Schools
    In 1985, the US supreme court decided that authorizing silent prayer violate the 1st Amendment. It was also known as a case of Wallace vs. Jaffree.
  • First Online Campus

    First Online Campus
    The first online campus was established in 1989. The University of Phoenix offers online bachelors and masters degree, and other universities also started offering online degrees after the success of the University of Phoenix.
  • Reform of The Immigration and Nationality Act

    Reform of The Immigration and Nationality Act
    The Immigration and Nationality Act was reformed after their first reform in 1965. Due to this law, a large number of immigrants moved to the nation and its schools.
  • The book "Multicultural Education" was published

    The book "Multicultural Education" was published
    In 1996, the James Banks' book, Multicultural Education was published. This book suggested and pointed out how important multicultural education is to the public.
  • Columbine High School Shooting

    Columbine High School Shooting
    Columbine High School Massacre increased the awareness of safety procedures of the schools. It was one of the deadliest school shooting in America
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
    The No Child Left Behind Act was approved on January 8, 2002. The NCLB was signed by President George Bush and its intention is to ensure every student's academic progress.
  • Walk Out of Classroom

    Walk Out of Classroom
    On March 24, 2018, thousands of students from all many states walked out from their classroom to join the March for Our Lives movement in Washington. The March for Our Lives protest is in support of legislation to prevent gun violence in schools.
  • Teachers Strike

    Teachers Strike
    Arizona, Kentucky and Oklahoma teachers also begin to speak up regarding their low pay and benefits after West Virginia teachers successful strike. Arizona teachers strike ends on May 4, 2019, with both increase their pay and school funding