Edna Pontellier

  • Event 1

    Edna and Robert meet Léonce back at the Pontelliers' cottage.
    To the readers, this is the beginning of Edna and Roberts relationship.
  • Event 2

    Event 2
    Edna and Adele went to the beach. They had a friendly conversation and Edna began to talk about her "awakening" without realizing thats what she was doing.
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    Edna talks about being a child and walking through a field. She compares it to swimming.
  • Event 4

    Edna realizes that she was never in love with her husband, but was infatuated with three other men she couldn't have back before she got married to Léonce that confused her into thinking she was in love with them.
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    Edna swims for the first time, she decides to swim out really far and becomes afraid for a brief moment. Edna then decides to go back in because she is tired. This was major in her awakening process. After she goes back to her cottage, she lays down in a hammock. When her husband comes back and tells her to come inside, she tells him no. She is becoming free.
  • Event 6

    Event 6
    The next day after Edna slept in the hammock, she left early to call for Robert so they could go to Chênière Caminada together. During the service, Edna gets sick feeling so they walk down to Madame Antoine's cot so Edna could lay down.
  • Event 7

    After Edna returns home, she goes and gets her children and actually mothers them. After they have gone to bed, she waits for her husband. She comes to the realization that she has changed throughout the summer
  • Event 8

    Event 8
    Edna and Robert sit down to talk about Robert leaving. During that conversation Robert will not tell her why he is leaving, just that he is leaving. His departure caused Edna to realize that she was in fact in love with him, but she wouldn't admit it to anyone.
  • Event 9

    Event 9
    Later on down the road, when Edna has returned to her home in New Orleans, she goes and visits Madame Reisz. Madame Reisz had recieved a letter from Robert talking nonstop about Edna. As Edna reads the letter, Madame Reisz plays the piano. This causes Edna to cry.
  • Event 10

    Edna goes to the horse races with her father. There she meets up with Mrs. Highcamp and Alcee Arobin. Alcee makes her very happy during this time.
  • Event 11

    Event 11
    Edna ends up with the whole house to herself. This ends up giving her a sense of peace. She is alone, free, and happy to do what she pleases.
  • Event 12

    Edna and Alcee end up spending a lot of time together. They have sex and Edna realizes that she does not feel bad about having sex with another man because of her husband, but because of Robert.
  • Event 13

    Event 13
    Edna moves into a smaller house that is her own. It makes her happy and content.
  • Event 14

    Edna goes and visits her children and tells them all about her new house. When she returns home, she becomes sad again, so she goes to visit Madame Reisz, but she is not home. Instead of going home, she goes inside and waits, but instead of Madame Reisz showing up, Robert shows up.
  • Event 15

    Robert and Edna have dinner, but then Alcee shows up. Robert decides to leave and Edna makes Alcee leave as well.
  • Event 16

    A little time goes by and Edna does not see Robert, until one day they meet in a restaurant.They share dinner and Robert walks Edna home. After returning home, they kiss, but then Adele goes into labor. Edna asks Robert to stay there until she returns.
  • Event 17

    Event 17
    Edna returns home, hoping to see Robert, but he is not there. Edna heads to Grand Isle by herself, feeling very depressed.
  • Event 18

    Event 18
    Edna decides to go to the beach for a swim, once she realizes that no one is there, she strips down. As she is swimming out into the ocean, she starts to think about how no-one understands her. She becomes afraid, but still keeps swimming. Once she gets so far out, she is to tired to swim back to shore, so she decides to let the ocean take her.