Edmund husserl

Edmund Husserl

  • The Birth Of Edmund Husserl

    Edmund Husserl was born in Probnitz, a small town in the Austrian Empire, known today as the Czech Republic. Husserl was born into a Jewish family with three siblings.
  • School life

    Edmund Husserl Studied under the mentorship of Thomas Masaryk. (Masasy lived from March 7, 1850 - Spet 14, 1937. He died at eighty-Seven years old Studied at the University of vinna, a public university in Vianna Austia. Masaryk was a former student of Brentano). Husserl also studied Anatomy in Leipzig. Soon After Hussrerl Switch his studies to Mathamatics, Philosophy, and Phisics. Husserl earned his PhD in the month of January 1883, with a paper on the Theory of Variations.
  • Studies

    After Earning his PhD Thomas Husserl became an assistance to Karl Weierstrass a German Mathematician. Weierstrass Is often indicated to be the "father of modern analysis. Also, he dropped out of his Univerity without a degree. Soon after Weierstrass got seriously ill and Masaryk advised Husserl to return back to Vianna where he should study philosophy but, Husserl had other plans and enlisted into the Vianna military. Soon after Husserl returned to Vianna to Study Philosophy with Franz Brentano.
  • Husserl's Study of Psychology.

    Husserl began his studies in Psychology with Franz Brentano's. Brentano is the author of a book named the "Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint." This Lecture Greatly impacted Husserl, in return landed Husserl a recommendation to Brentano's pupil Carls Stumpf in Halle. Soon after Husserl completed his first monograph named the Philosophy of Arithmetic, which debuted in 1891.
  • Edmund Husserl First Work.

    In the first decade of the twentieth century, Husserl considerably cultivated and revised his method into what he called “transcendental phenomenology”. Which is the study of lived experience, the study of the world as we immediately experience it directly or before reflection. Husserl developed these ideas in Göttingen, Göttingen is a university city in Lower Saxony, central Germany, the capital of the eponymous district.
  • Edmund Husserl Prime

    In 1916 Husserl became the successor to Heinrich Rickert's in Freiburg, Breisgau (Heinrich was a German journalist and a liberal politician. he was known as a father of Philosophy) there Husserl worked on passive synthesis. Husserl taught four lectures at the University of college, of London in 1922. through 1923-1935 Husserl gave lectures on his work and talked about Phenomenology and Anthropology. In 1933 Hitler rained on Germany Husserl received an offer to go to Los Angeles but refused.
  • The death of Edmund Husserl