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Edmund Husserl, (born April 8, 1859-died April 27, 1938)
Edmund Husserl was one of four children born to Adolf Husserl and his wife, Julie Husserl. He studied astronomy at the University of Leipzig and mathematics at the University of Berlin. In 1882, Husserl’s Ph.D. dissertation was accepted by the University of Vienna. One year later he achieved his Ph.D. From 1886-1938 (his death), Husserl studied at many universities with many professors to develop and mold his ideas of phenomenology. -
contribution to the philosophy of science
Edmund Husserl was the founder of phenomenology and one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. Husserl was a mathematician who was influenced by German philosopher Franz Brentano who was already studying consciousness towards an object. With the basis of Brentano and the ever-evolving mind of Husserl, phenomenology was birthed. -
‘the work here presented seeks to found a new science – though, indeed, the whole course of philosophical development since Descartes has been preparing the way for it – a science covering a new field of experience, exclusively its own, that of "Transcendental Subjectivity"’ - Edmund Husserl, from the author’s preface to the English Edition -
Dates and MLA citations
Beyer, Christian, "Edmund Husserl", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2018/entries/husserl/.
Walter Beimel and Herbert Spiegelberg. Phenomenology. Encyclopedia Britannic, Inc.. 2017. Web
Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Phenomenology of Perception. Florence: Taylor and Francis, 2013. Web. -
Husserl and the Adventure of Phenomenology