Edmund husserl

Edmund Husserl- April 8th, 1859 to April 27th, 1938

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    Life of Edmund Husserl

  • Received a Doctorate in Philosophy

    Studied Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, and Philosophy at the Universities of Leipzig, Berlin, and Vienna. Vienna being where the degree was awarded.
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    Lecturer at University of Halle

    Husserl met colleague Carl Stumpf, together they prepared a dissertation, On the Concept of Number, in 1887. This dissertation was integrated into his first published monograph "Philosophy of Arithmetic". The publication was created as an attempt to form a psychological foundation of arithmetic. Philosophy of Arithmetic received criticism from Gottlob Frege for its exaggeration of the relevance of psychology to arithmetic. This criticism led to Phenomenology; Husserl's most famous work.
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    Professor at University of Gottingen

    Husserl's Time at this University was very significant to the expansion of the Phenomenological movement. A handful of his students formed a group and he taught them his philosophy and encouraged them to branch out on their own and to not take his words as a finished product, but to prepare the coming generations to work on improving phenomenology.
  • Ideas; General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology

    This was a drafted outline of Phenomenology as philosophical science. It also elaborated on what exactly phenomenology really is. Phenomenology is the philosophical study of experience and consciousness. See the YouTube link below for a short educational video that expands on phenomenology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQUatOYJW6M
  • The illness

    In the summer of 1937, Husserl became ill with Pleurisy and was unable to continue his studies. He said approaching his death that he "lived as a philosopher, I want to die as a philosopher".( This can be related to his views on religion. He respected all religious belief as his philosophy was to accept all authentic experiences. He died April 27th, 1938 and his ashes were buried in the cemetery in Günterstal near Freiburg.
  • Works Cited

    Beyer, C. (2020, November 18). Edmund Husserl. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/husserl/#Bib. Husserl, Edmund. Phantasy, Image Consciousness, and Memory (1898-1925). 1st ed. 2005., Springer Netherlands, 2005, https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-2642-0. Landgrebe, Ludwig M.. "Edmund Husserl". Encyclopedia Britannica, 23 Apr. 2021, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edmund-Husserl. Accessed 21 November 2021.