Edmund Husserl April 8, 1859 - April 27, 1938

By NateMC
  • Birth

    Mathematician and Philosopher Edmund Husserl is born (Beyer 2022). His work would focus on a method of philosophy known as phenomenology which holds that the human experience is the source of meaning and value (Armstrong 2005).
  • Logical Investigations

    Husserl publishes his book, "Logical Investigations." In this work, Husserl criticizes psychologism as well as empiricism. In the second volume of this book, Husserl provides descriptive-psychological and epistemological investigations into things such as meaning and intentionality. The idea that a phenomenological description must be provided by a first-person point of view is also introduced, and will be expanded on in his later works (Beyer 2022).
  • Ideas

    Husserl introduces the transcendental-phenomenological method in his book titled "Ideas". A core idea is the concept of "bracketing", or the setting aside of presumptions such as emotions, opinions, prior knowledge, and biases. Husserl asserts that personal experience is the source of knowledge. Because of this, any phenomenological description must not rely on the correctness of any existing presumption. "Bracketing" of these presumptions ensures that they do not influence the experience.
  • Death

    Edmund Husserl is remembered as the "father" of phenomenology.
  • Sources

    Armstrong, Paul. "Phenomenology." Brown University. 2005. https://www.brown.edu/Departments/Joukowsky_Institute/courses/architecturebodyperformance/1065.html Beyer, Christian. "Edmund Husserl." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2022. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/husserl/index.html