Edmund Husserl

  • Birth

    Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl was born in Prossnitz, Moravia. Sawicki, Marianne Sawicki. “Edmund Husserl (1859—1938).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://iep.utm.edu/husserl/.
  • Boarding School

    At 10 Edmund was sent off to Vienna to start his German classical education in the Realgymnasium of the capitol. A year later moved to to the Staatsgymnasium in Olmütz, to be closer to his family. Sawicki, Marianne Sawicki. “Edmund Husserl (1859—1938).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://iep.utm.edu/husserl/.
  • Habilitationsschrift

    Durring his time spent at Hale, studying psychology, Edmund started writting his Habilitationsschrift on the concept of number, which was later reworked into Philosophie der Arithmetik, and published. Sawicki, Marianne Sawicki. “Edmund Husserl (1859—1938).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://iep.utm.edu/husserl/.
  • Period: to


    Starting in 1901 Husserl joined the faculty at Gottengen where he worked for the next 16 years while also working out the definitive formulations of his phenomenology found in Ideen zu einer reinen Ph‰nomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie, the first volume of which appearing in 1913. Sawicki, Marianne Sawicki. “Edmund Husserl (1859—1938).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://iep.utm.edu/husserl/.
  • Death

    Edmund Husserl passed in 1938 of pleurisy. Sawicki, Marianne Sawicki. “Edmund Husserl (1859—1938).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://iep.utm.edu/husserl/.