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EDLL 314 01- Literacy Timeline

By nab21
  • 1450

    The Invention of the Printing Press

    The Invention of the Printing Press
    Johannes Guttenberg's invention of the printing press caused books to change from a rare item reserved for the wealthy to a common household item, resulting in everyone having the opportunity to learn how to read and write.
  • The Boston Latin School Opened

    The Boston Latin School Opened
    The Boston Latin School, located in Boston, Massachusetts, was the first public school to open in the United States. The school focused on teaching Latin, Greek, history, literature, arts, and philosophy.
  • Dr. Denny Taylor

    Dr. Denny Taylor
    As a result of her research with numerous diverse groups, started in 1977, she developed the idea of "family literacy." Family literacy attempts to address problems in communities while encouraging interactions between parents, children, and the people within the school through reading.
  • Stephen Krashen

    Stephen Krashen
    Stephen Krashen's theory of Second Language Acquisition began to impact research and learning in the 1980s. His theory centered on how a person learns a language other than their native language and consists of five hypotheses: Acquisition-Learning, Monitor, Natural Order, Input, and Affective Filter.
  • Stewart B. Mckinney Homeless Assistance Act

    Stewart B. Mckinney Homeless Assistance Act
    The Homeless Assistance Act law allows homeless children access to education without barriers, such as transportation or educational resources. The law also allows students to attend the same school even if the child has to relocate.
  • No Child Left Behind Law

    No Child Left Behind Law
    The No Child Left Behind law increased the federal government's role in schools and established standardized testing in reading and math. The law required schools to be within a certain level by the 2013-2014 school year, or they would be labeled failures, causing many schools to shut down.