Edgar Allan Poe is Born
Edgar Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. That makes him Capricorn, on the cusp of Aquarius. His parents were David and Elizabeth Poe. David was born in Baltimore on July 18, 1784. Elizabeth Arnold came to the U.S. from England in 1796 and married David Poe after her first husband died in 1805. They had three children, Henry, Edgar, and Rosalie. -
Poe's Sister is born
Roasalie was born dec 10, 1810. -
Poe's Parents Die
both of poe's parents died of tuberculosis. Not at the same time tho. His mother was the first one to die. Later on his father had passed away. -
Poe's First Poem
"Last night, with many cares & toils oppres'd,/ Weary, I laid me on a couch to rest." Thats the first poem Poe wrote. -
Poe enlist in the U.S. Army
Edgar Allan had no money, no job skills, and had been shunned by John Allan. Edgar went to Boston and joined the U.S. Army in 1827. He was 18. He did reasonably well in the Army and attained the rank of sergeant major. In 1829, Mrs. Allan died and John Allan tried to be friendly towards Edgar and signed Edgar's application to West Point. -
Poe's Older Brother Dies
He sent a letter to John Allan begging for help but none came. John Allan died in 1834 and did not mention Edgar in his will. -
Poe's Marries his 13 year old cousin
In 1836, Edgar married his cousin, Virginia. He was 27 and she was 13. Many sources say Virginia was 14, but this is incorrect. Virginia Clemm was born on August 22, 1822. They were married before her 14th birthday, in May of 1836. In case you didn't figure it out already, Virginia was Virgo.